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Introduction to Japanese Civil Law: Focusing on its Historical Development
作者 小林貴典
中文摘要 日本與臺灣同屬繼受西方法律的東方國家,而如何面對繼受法典?如何將其與本土社會接軌?至今仍為苦惱我們的共同難題。日本在19世紀末制定民法典以來,在解釋論上不斷參考外國法,但在各時代中,學者對於外國法研究所採的態度及所賦予的意義則各有不同,而在日本民法的學習上,理解此歷史脈絡具有關鍵意義。有鑑於此,本文將介紹日本民法典的制定過程及日本民法學說史,希望讀者能理解日本民法典及民法學的歷史脈絡。
英文摘要 Japan and Taiwan are both oriental countries that have transplanted western laws, but how do they face the transplanted Laws? How do they integrate them with the local society? These are still common problems that both Japan and Taiwan face. Since the enactment of the civil code in the late 19th century, Japanese civil law scholars have been referring to foreign laws in terms of interpretation, but the attitude of scholars toward foreign laws and the meaning given to them have varied from era to era. In view of this, this article will introduce the process of enactment of the Japanese Civil Code and the history of Japanese civil law doctrine in the hope that readers can understand the historical context of the Japanese Civil Code and civil law doctrine.
起訖頁 194-214
關鍵詞 日本民法明治民法日本民法學說史末弘嚴太郎星野英一Japanese Civil LawMeiji Civil CodeHistory of Japanese Civil Law DoctrineSuehiro IzutaroHoshino Eiichi
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202208 (327期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593132711  複製DOI  DOI申請

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