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The Negotiated Rulemaking in America and Its Reference
作者 鐘揚民
中文摘要 協商行政規則制定是行政機關主持召集進行幷由行政機關與相關利害關係人代表組建協商委員會,就行政規則草案的制定進行共同協商,並努力達成合意的一種行政程序機制。美國法上的協商行政規則制定經歷了興起、形成、立法、興盛、衰落、逐漸恢復活力六個歷史階段,它的運行機制主要包括協商行政規則制定的主體、對象、運行程序和法制保障四個方面。協商行政規則制定對美國自身、日本和歐盟等國家和地區的行政程序法以及行政規則制定産生了深遠影響。在當前我國行政法法典化以及行政程序法立法不斷推進的背景中,美國法上的協商行政規則制定對我國行政法治的發展具有一定的啓示意義。
英文摘要 Negotiated Rulemaking refers to the agency presided over and convened by the administrative agency and related stakeholders to negotiate the formulation of the administrative rule draft and strive to reach a consensus agreement,It is a mechanism of agency rule-making procedures. The concepts of negotiated rulemaking originated from the United States are discussed and the history of the evolution of the Negotiated Rulemaking in the United States is divided into six historical development stages which including that rise, formation, legislation, prosperity, decline, and rejuvenation. The operation mechanism of negotiated rulemaking mainly includes four aspects: the subject, object, operation procedure and legal guarantee of administrative rule making. And it discusses the formulation of administrative procedures and administrative rules in the United States, Japan, and the European Union. The Negotiated Rulemaking will have an important enlightenment and reference for the formulation of China’s administrative procedure law code and the improvement of administrative rules formulation procedures.
起訖頁 197-209
關鍵詞 協商行政規則制定行政法治行政程序法行政立法行政規則Negotiated RulemakingRule of Administrative LawAdministrative Procedure ActAdministrative LegislationAdministrative Rules
刊名 厦门大学法律评论
出版單位 廈門大學法學院
期數 202312 (37期)
DOI 10.53106/615471682023120037010  複製DOI  DOI申請

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