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How to Extricate the Discipline of Legal History from the Predicament—Thoughts on Two Symposiums Contained in Vol.70th of Legal History Study (Japan)
作者 趙晶
中文摘要 日本《法制史研究》雜誌第70號上刊登了兩種專題報告集,分別是“日本的法史研究史”和“日本法史∕法制史教科書的可能性”,從學科初創史和教科書的編寫原則出發,討論法制史學的定位問題。由此反觀中國法律史學,我們應從“學問史”的角度梳理近代以來的法律史學家群體,辨析不同學科出身者的研究路徑,積累基於法學方法的研究個案,彰顯法律史學的獨立性;通過醞釀跨學科的問題意識、保持不同學科在方法論上的緊張關係,謀求與歷史學等其他學科的對話;在現實立法層面,立足傳統,爲當下的法制變革提供正、反面論據,尤其是應致力於平抑冒進的立法建議或針砭現行法中存在的問題。
英文摘要 There are two symposiums published on the Vol.70th of Legal History Study (Japan), which are separately named “History of Legal History Studies in Japan” and “Possibilities of Japanese Legal History Textbooks”. They contain discussions on the discipline orientation of legal history carried out from the early history of such a discipline and the principles of compilation of textbooks. If rethinking Chinese legal history studies on the basis of those discussions, we should review the group of legal historians since modern times from the perspective of Wissenschaftsgeschichte(“history of knowledge”), analyse the research approaches adopted by researchers with different subject backgrounds, accumulate individual cases based on legal methods and highlight the independence of legal history. We should also seek dialogues with historians and researchers from other fields by considering interdisciplinary problem consciousness and maintain the tension of methodology between different disciplines. When it comes to the level of legislation in reality, we should base on the tradition and provide positive and negative arguments for contemporary legal transforms, particularly working on the restraints on premature legislative suggestions and the criticisms against current laws.

起訖頁 19-31
關鍵詞 法律史學學科獨立性方法論現實貢獻Legal HistoryIndependence as a DisciplineMethodology Contribution to Current Legal System
刊名 厦门大学法律评论
出版單位 廈門大學法學院
期數 202306 (35期)
DOI 10.53106/615471682023060035002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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