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The Systematic Unfolding of the Subrogation of Mortgages under the
作者 任我行
中文摘要 司法實踐中存在僵化理解適用《民法典》第390條,將抵押權的代位物局限于保險金、賠償金或者補償金的現象,這與抵押權的價值權屬性背道而馳。債權請求權在抵押物毀損、滅失後作爲交換價值的媒介而存在,故抵押權的物上代位客體是債權請求權。對《擔保制度司法解釋》第42條第1款的解釋應當采取請求權代位說。作爲代位物的債權具有多種表現形態,可能是金錢債權、請求讓與不動産的債權、請求讓與動産的債權以及請求讓與其他有形、無形財産的債權。關于抵押權物上代位的法律構成,在金錢債權的場合,理論上存在擔保物權延續說與債權質權說兩種觀點。以債權質權說對物上代位的法律構成進行理解,符合《擔保制度司法解釋》第42條第2款的條文本旨。實際上,債權質權說是在功能主義的視野下適用擔保物權的轉化規則所得出的結論,即若某種擔保權與擔保物權體系中的某種法定權利形式最爲類似,自應適用法律有關該種擔保物權的規範。在其他債權的場合,無須以擔保物權延續說或債權質權說進行解釋,但應以功能主義爲抓手,通過擔保物權的轉化規則,促進抵押權的物上代位規則與擔保物權的體系融合。
英文摘要 In judicial practice, there is a rigid understanding of the application of Article 390 of the Civil Code, which limits the subrogation of mortgages to insurance, indemnity or compensation, which is contrary to the characteristic of value right of mortgage. The right to claim exists as a medium of exchange value after the destruction or loss of the mortgage Consequently, the subrogation shall be interpreted as the right to claim. The interpretation of Article 42(1) of the Judicial Interpretation should adopt the claim subrogation theory. Claims as subrogation have various manifestations, which may be money claims, claims requesting the alienation of real property, claims requesting the alienation of movable property, and claims requesting the alienation of other tangible and intangible property. With respect to the legal composition of subrogation of a mortgage, in the case of a monetary claim, there are two theoretical views: the continuation of security interest and the pledge of claims. The legal constitution of subrogation by claim pledge is in line with the intent of Article 42(2) of the Judicial Interpretation. The pledge-of-claims approach is in fact a functionalist view that applies the rules of transformation of security rights to the conclusion that if a security right is the most similar to a legal form of right in the security rights system, the norms of the law governing that security right should apply. In the case of other claims, there is no need to interpret the continuation of the security right doctrine or the claim pledge doctrine, but functionalism should be used as a grip to promote the integration of the subrogation rules of the mortgage with the system of security rights through the conversion rules of the security right.
起訖頁 47-59
關鍵詞 抵押權物上代位功能主義擔保物權MortgageSubrogation FunctionalismSecurity Interest
刊名 厦门大学法律评论
出版單位 廈門大學法學院
期數 202210 (34期)
DOI 10.53106/615471682022100034003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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