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Transformation from Sangongcao-Shangshu to Duguan-Shangshu: Early Factors Associated with the Establishment of the Xingbu of Shangshusheng
作者 張雨
中文摘要 關于尚書刑部成立的早期因素,即都官尚書緣何産生,唐人在《唐六典》中建立起的尚書刑部生成史綫索“三公曹尚書—都官尚書—刑部尚書”,影響深遠,但問題不少。這一看法受晋初模仿西漢重新設立了“掌刑斷”的三公尚書影響很大。實際上,隨著西晋末省三公尚書,出現的是“以吏部尚書兼領刑獄”的新制。以南朝司法政務分工機制而論,是删定郎典定律令,三公郎主刑斷,比部郎掌律令,三者與掌選舉的吏部郎皆屬吏部尚書。唐人還將都官郎中的淵源追溯至漢代司隸校尉下屬的都官從事。漢代都官從事最初與“中都官”(區別于地方都官系統)聯繫緊密,但此後兩者關係漸遠。至曹魏,新置與軍事相關的都官郎曹,職掌明顯區別于都官從事,不應認爲兩者有直接因襲關係。都官郎曹出現後,便與掌盜賊的二千石郎曹關係密切。直至後者在東晋消失後,才形成都官郎曹兼掌軍事、刑獄(側重刑訊罪囚)的職能,幷爲南朝所繼承。至于都官尚書,初現于赫連夏,後見于南朝宋,因此是南朝因襲北方少數民族政權制度實踐的産物(却未被沈約《宋書》所提及)。但這一新因素既沒有取代南朝吏部尚書兼領司法的定制,也未改變魏晋以來呈現著零散態勢的司法政務運行機制。探討都官尚書向刑部尚書的轉變,還需從北朝後期制度發展中尋找新綫索。
英文摘要 From the view of maintaining the state order in ancient China, the crimes of fallacy and treason are the most serious threat to imperial politics, so it had became the focus of the national legal system. The "sacredness" inherent in religious beliefs makes them a special "concern" group for these kinds of crimes. However, combining with the cases of fallacy and treason crimes involving Buddhist monks in the Tang Dynasty, we could find that such cases are either political struggles by absorbing religious factors or ordinary civil criminal cases with religious colors. The influence of the religious features of the crime itself is not strong, and the Buddhist factors were often embodied in a symbolic form.It clearly shows the decline of religious authority and the overall control of religious affairs by the state power in the Tang Dynasty. In fact, the crimes of fallacy and treason implemented by Buddhist monks are no longer distinguished from similar cases.
起訖頁 1-22
關鍵詞 尚書郎曹都官尚書刑部尚書Shangshulang-CaoDuguan-ShangshuXingbu-Shangsh
刊名 厦门大学法律评论
出版單位 廈門大學法學院
期數 202210 (34期)
DOI 10.53106/615471682022100034001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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