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''Nan zi ju jian sha ren '' Li: The Formulation and its Legislative Logic in Qing Dynasty
作者 葉萍
中文摘要 《大清律例》中強奸罪的受害者只包括女性,然而清代男風盛行,由此導致男性之間的強奸案時有發生。在此情形下,乾隆四十二年首次撰立’’男子拒奸殺人’’條例,而後幾經修訂,于道光四年終成定例。’’男子拒奸殺人’’條例主要規定男性遭受強奸犯罪時拒奸殺人的認定標準以及刑罰種類。該條例一方面承認男子拒奸殺人的正當性,一方面又秉持’’奸情曖昧,最易捏飾’’的立法理念對男子拒奸殺人的免責進行各種嚴格限定。與’’婦女拒奸殺人’’條例中相對寬鬆的認定標準相比,男性拒奸殺人的規定過於嚴苛,致使男性在遭受強奸侵犯時無法充分行使正當防衛之權能。
英文摘要 According to Da Qing Lv Li,The object of rape only be women, but men also be rape victim because of the male homosexual and sodomy widespread in Qing dynasty. To protect the male’s proper sexual rights, “nan zi ju jian sha ren ”li(the rule of the man who killed the raper) has been made in 42th year of the Qian long emperor, After several revisions, it had finally established in the 4th year of Dao guang emperor, which mainly regulated about the standards of conviction and punishment . the “nan zi ju jian sha ren tiao li” admit that men have the right to defense the rape and even kill the rapist, while strict limited the right of justifiable defense due to the legislator thought that men who try to escape penalty when he killed another man by fabricate a rape. The different self-defense rules about rape between men and women led men can not fully exercise the right of self-defense when they are raped.
起訖頁 188-199
關鍵詞 清代條例男子拒奸殺人正當防衛Qing DynastyTiao LiMen who Killed the RapistJustifiable Defense
刊名 厦门大学法律评论
出版單位 廈門大學法學院
期數 202204 (33期)
DOI 10.53106/615471682022040033011  複製DOI  DOI申請

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