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Improvement of the Government’s Early-warning Information Release System for Public Health Emergencies--Also on China's Amendments to the Law on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases
作者 褚宸舸王陽
中文摘要 政府預警信息發佈制度要求預警信息依法主動、及時和公開發佈,保障公民生命健康權、維護國家安全和社會穩定。相關法律規範對政府預警信息發佈的許可權進行了配置,並建立內部報告和外部發佈相結合的決策研判機制、分類管理和分級負責相結合的發佈機制。當前我國突發公共衛生事件政府預警信息制度暴露出行政決策和專業力量之間信息協同治理不充分、自下而上的公共衛生應急決策效能不高等問題。可通過促進信息發佈高效決策和推動風險溝通協同行動完善我國突發公共衛生事件預警信息發佈制度。同時結合《中華人民共和國傳染病防治法》(修訂草案徵求意見稿)此次修訂,應當在傳染病防治中建立權責對等的激勵機制,提升政府和專業力量之間合作治理的效能,完善政府預警信息發佈中的屬地責任。
英文摘要 The government’s early-warning information release system requires ealy-warning information to be released proactively, timely and publicly in accordance with the law, so as to protect citizens’ right to life and health and safeguard national security and social stability. Relevant laws and regulations configure the authority of government’s early-warning information release, and establish a decision-making and judgment mechanism combining internal report and external release、classification management and classification responsible for the combined release mechanism. The system exposed problems of such as inadequate cooperative governance between the government and professional forces, and inefficient information transmission from bottom to top is not very effective. The Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases (Draft Revision for Comment) has been revised to address the prominent problems existing in the government’s early-warning information release system. Combined with the revision of the law, an incentive mechanism that equalizes power and responsibility should be established, the effectiveness of cooperative governance between the government and professional forces should be enhanced, and the territorial responsibility in the release of early warning information should be improved.
起訖頁 161-175
關鍵詞 突發公共衛生事件政府預警資訊發佈制度《中華人民共和國傳染病防治法》(修訂草案徵求意見稿)Public Health EmergencyGovernment Early-warning Information Release SystemLaw of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases (Draft Revision for Comment)
刊名 厦门大学法律评论
出版單位 廈門大學法學院
期數 202204 (33期)
DOI 10.53106/615471682022040033009  複製DOI  DOI申請

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