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On Public Law Control of Trade Autonomy
作者 高俊杰
中文摘要 內部懲戒是行業協會進行日常組織活動管理、實現行業自律的主要方式之一。行業懲戒的公權力屬性決定了其應當接受必要的公法制約,具體包括行業懲戒措施種類的設定應遵循法律保留原則不宜採用財產懲戒和人身懲戒。對於可能嚴重影響會員合法權益的行業懲戒措施,行業協會自治規則應當建立健全回避、聽證、聽取陳述和申辯、說明理由等制度來完善其實施程序。當行業懲戒責任與民事、行政和刑事責任發生競合時,應按照多重責任、過罰相當、保護法益與制裁違法相適應的原則予以處理,並通過內部申訴、調解、仲裁、行政申訴和司法審查等多種救濟管道保護會員合法權益。
英文摘要 Trade autonomy is a kind of social public power, and it is also a kind of monopolistic power. As the same as national public power, social public power should comply with the principles and requests of public law. As monopolistic power, trade autonomy should abide by Principles of administrative law, such as legal reservation, equal-treat, due process and open information. When we permit judicature to intervene in trade autonomy, we should call for the courts keeping a relative prudent attitude and obeying the principles of exhausting internal remedy, respecting professional judgment and reviewing significant issues only, lest improper intervention to social autonomy.
起訖頁 143-160
關鍵詞 行業懲戒行業自治責任競合權利救濟Trade AutonomySocial Public PowerMonopoly PowerPublic Law Control
刊名 厦门大学法律评论
出版單位 廈門大學法學院
期數 202204 (33期)
DOI 10.53106/615471682022040033008  複製DOI  DOI申請

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