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Help Information Network Criminal Activity Crime of Normative Attribute to Distinguish--Explain the Path with the Double Attribute Theory
作者 盛豪杰
中文摘要 在刑法理論與司法實踐中,幫助信息網路犯罪活動罪的規範屬性存在較大爭議。量刑規則說、獨立犯罪說、不作為犯罪說、片面正犯說對幫助信息網路犯罪活動罪的規範屬性的解釋均存在不足之處。幫助信息網路犯罪活動罪的成立原則上應遵從共犯從屬性原理。在被幫助行為不構成犯罪的前提下幫助信息網路犯罪活動罪作為例外也可以成立,這是基於客觀重大理由的法律擬制。縱觀整個共犯正犯化的立法體例,共犯正犯化體系應分為遵從共犯從屬性的正犯化、不遵從共犯從屬性的正犯化以及原則上遵從共犯從屬性的正犯化,幫助信息網路犯罪活動罪則屬於原則上遵從共犯從屬性的正犯化。
英文摘要 In the theory of criminal law and judicial practice, the normative attribute of the crime of helping information network crime is controversial.The theory of sentencing rules, the theory of independent crime, the theory of omission crime and the theory of one-sided principal offender all have some shortcomings in explaining the normative attribute of the crime of helping information network crime.In principle, the crime of helping information network crime should be established according to the principle of accessory to crime.The crime of helping information network crime can be established as an exception on the premise that the aided behavior does not constitute a crime, which is a legal fiction based on objective and significant reasons.Looking at the whole legislative system of the accomplice’s criminalization, the system of accomplice’s criminalization should be divided into the following three parts: the one that complies with the accomplice’s subordination, the one that does not comply with the accomplice’s subordination and the one that complies with the accomplice’s subordination in principle, while the crime of helping information network crime belongs to the one that complies with the accomplice’s subordination.
起訖頁 49-63
關鍵詞 幫助資訊網路犯罪活動罪網路犯罪共犯正犯化共犯從屬性Help Information Network Crime CrimeCyber CrimeAccomplice is Made PrincipalAccomplice and Accomplice
刊名 厦门大学法律评论
出版單位 廈門大學法學院
期數 202204 (33期)
DOI 10.53106/615471682022040033004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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