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A New Chapter in an Old Book: Contemporary Discourses on“Family, Country and World”
作者 梁治平
中文摘要 趙汀陽、盛洪、許紀霖、朱蘇力等學者對“家—國—天下”的當代言說,都可以被視為“天下”話語的一個部分,然而,以“家—國—天下”或修、齊、治、平為論說架構的做法,較之一般所謂的“天下”論述,側重點在不同論者那裏并不相同,從而展示了其運用者所秉持的立場、關切、主張方面的差异。這些差异除了造成各具體論述重點上的不同,更構成論者之間潛在的“對話”甚至“對立”和“對抗”。這種情形展示了傳統思想的豐富性與當代性,同時也展現了歷史與現實聯繫的多種可能性。這些不同的天下論述,何者更具說服力、影響力以及具有何種影響力,不但取決于其應對知識上、學理上乃至意識形態上質疑和挑戰的能力,也取決于與之相關的社會現實的樣態與改變。
英文摘要 The contemporary discourses of scholars such as Zhao Tingyang, Sheng Hong, Xu Jilin and Zhu Suli on “familyGcountryGworld” can be regarded as a part of the discourse of “world”. However, the approach of structuring the discourse in terms of “family-country-world”, or “cultivating oneself, putting family in order, governing the state, and pacifying the world”, as opposed to the general discourse on the so-called “world”, does not have the same emphasis in different discourses, thus demonstrating the differences in the positions, concerns and claims of its practitioners. In addition to the differences in emphasis between specific discourses, these differences also constitute a po-tential “dialogue” or even “opposition” and “confrontation” between explainers. This situ-ation demonstrates the richness and contemporaneity of traditional thought, as well as the many possibilities for linking history and reality. Which of these different discourses of the world is more persuasive, influential and what kind of influence they have depends not only on their ability to respond to intellectual, doctrinal and even ideological challenges and challenges, but also on the shape and change of the social reality to which they relate.
起訖頁 1-10
關鍵詞 家國天下秩序個人國家天下話語The Order of“Family, Country and The World”The IndividualThe CountryThe WorldDiscourse
刊名 厦门大学法律评论
出版單位 廈門大學法學院
期數 202106 (32期)
DOI 10.53106/615471682021090032001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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