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Reconstruction of Communication Signal in Wireless Networks Based on Perturbation Compression Perception
Reconstruction of Communication Signal in Wireless Networks Based on Perturbation Compression Perception
作者 Juan Wang

With the maturity and development of new generation communication technology, the demand for wireless network communication quality is getting higher and higher. However, the existing wireless network data transmission models are greatly affected by the signal quality in the data transmission process, which seriously affects the quality of data transmission. To address the problem of signal perturbation affecting communication quality in wireless network communication, this study designs an improved perturbation compression reconstruction algorithm that can be used to process block-structured data based on the block sparse structure in the original signal, and constructs a single-user wireless network communication data transmission model based on this algorithm. The performance simulation test of the model shows that the MSE values of the model are lower than those of the conventional and perfect schemes used as comparisons under the same noise conditions and the transmitted compressed data length conditions. When the variance of Gaussian white noise is 0.125, the MSEs of the research design model, the conventional scheme and the perfect scheme are 0.031, 0.048, and 0.047, respectively. Experimental data show that the improved disturbance compressed sensing reconstruction algorithm can better reconstruct the compressed information and reduce the information loss caused by the disturbance in the compression process on the premise of removing the signal disturbance. This research result has reference significance for improving the signal quality of wireless network communication.


起訖頁 001-014
關鍵詞 perturbation compression-aware reconstructionwireless networkscommunication signalsblock sparse structurechannel
刊名 電腦學刊
期數 202310 (34:5期)
DOI 10.53106/279069732011  複製DOI  DOI申請

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