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Legal Research on Overuse of Hillside Land: Centering on Hazard Prediction and Control
作者 李介民
中文摘要 本文回顧農政機關處理山坡地超限利用之監督、取締及輔導經過,可謂是事後管制失靈。於是先探討山坡地超限利用的查定與判斷,從危險預測的法理論述解析,包括危險預測的必要性與安全性、危險預測與診斷。並就山坡地土地可利用限度分類標準(危險預測之審查基準)、山坡地土地查定的法律性質、行政程序及其執行程序逐一檢視。山坡地查定有依職權或依申請為之,人民對於申請查定應享有公法上請求權。另就危險預測方式、管理機制與運作加以檢討,針對宜林地禁止從事農業利用之政策,建議改為經利益衡量後為許可的事先審查機制,並提出各種修法意見。
英文摘要 This article reviews the supervision, banning and counseling process of the agricultural administration agencies in dealing with the overuse of hillside land. It can be said that the ex post control failure. Therefore, we first discuss the identification and judgment of overuse of hillside land, and analyze from the legal theory of hazard prediction, including the necessity and safety of hazard prediction, hazard prediction and diagnosis. It also examines the classification standard of hillside land use limit (the review basis for hazard prediction), the legal nature of hillside land identification, administrative procedures and its execution procedures. It is believed that the identification of hillside land is done ex officio or upon application, and the people should have the right to request in public law for the application for identification. In addition, the hazard prediction method, management mechanism and operation are reviewed, and the policy of prohibiting agricultural use of suitable forest land is changed to a pre-examination mechanism for permission after weighing benefits, and various suggestions for amendments to the law are put forward.
起訖頁 67-105
關鍵詞 超限利用危險預測人工智慧可利用限度查定永續利用OveruseHazard PredictionArtificial IntelligenceAvailability Limit CheckSustainable Use
刊名 興大法學
出版單位 國立中興大學財經法律學系、科技法律研究所
期數 202405 (35期)
DOI 10.53106/199516202024050035002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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