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作者 黃朝琮
中文摘要 本文探討證券交易法第14條之4於二○二三年修正之規定中,將獨立董事之股東會召集權改由審計委員會行使下,對於公司治理之可能意涵。股東會召集權除賦予權利人召集股東會之權利,並使其得以設定該次股東會之議案內容,乃監察權之重要內容,如將之改由審計委員會以會議制行之,將可能有弱化內部監理機制、阻滯公司控制權市場運作,並抑制股東行動主義與ESG目標實現的不利影響,不可不慎。如要調整,亦應就現行股東會召集權之相關規定,併予檢討。
英文摘要 This article reviews the amendment of Securities and Exchange Act in 2023 to allocate the right to convene shareholder meetings from the independent director to the audit committee and indicates its implication to the corporate governance in Taiwan. Such right to convene shareholder meetings allows the right owner to set the meeting agenda of such meetings and thus an important part of the supervision function by the independent director. This article argues that such amendment would weaken the internal mechanism of supervision in the corporate, hinder the operation of the market for corporate control and constraint the development of shareholder activism and achievement of ESG goals. If such amendment is to be adopted, a total review of the right to convene shareholder meetings is necessary.
起訖頁 253-292
關鍵詞 獨立董事審計委員會股東會召集權公司控制權市場股東行動主義Independent DirectorAudit CommitteeRight to Convene Shareholder MeetingMarket for Corporate ControlShareholder Activism
刊名 興大法學
出版單位 國立中興大學財經法律學系、科技法律研究所
期數 202311 (34期)
DOI 10.53106/199516202023110034004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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