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作者 林利芝
中文摘要 如何規範多元化的網路使用生態造成之侵權爭議,是全球共通的問題。美國著作權法「通知/取下」程序將網路服務提供者視為中立第三方,並加諸法遵義務以作為著作權人的維權協助者,且以間接侵權責任予以規範。然而,三振條款衍生問題隨著時間逐漸浮上檯面,特別是使用AI演算法之內容辨識軟體自動化侵權通知造成的弊病,以及助長著作權蟑螂假維權之名行索賠勒贖的問題。隨著資訊儲存服務提供者提供服務的方式和規模不斷演進,歐盟數位單一市場著作權指令第17條創建新監管制度,平台業者應負擔直接侵權者責任,除非善盡內容管理的諸多法遵義務,同時設計多重防護柵欄以保障使用者受憲法保障的基本權利。本文彙整不實侵權通知之亂象成因和比較業者的內容管理義務規定,並認為我國未來規範資訊儲存服務提供者之監管制度,除了落實著作權法科技中立原則,更應在制度面維護憲法保障表現自由的基本權利。
英文摘要 How to regulate the copyright infringement disputes caused by the diversified Internet usage is a common problem in the world. To avoid secondary liability, DMCA imposes legal obligations on ISPs to assist copyright owner to protect their rights. However, issues arising from the three-strikes-clause which aggravates the content recognition software using AI algorithms to automatically send out improper takedown notices, and encourage copyright trolls to claim for ransom in the name of copyright protection. With the evolution of information storage services provided by ISPs, Article 17 of the EU Digital Single Market Copyright Directive creates a new regulatory regime in which ISPs should bear direct liability for copyright infringement unless they comply legal obligations of content management. This new regime also designs multiple protective mechanisms to protect fundamental rights of users guaranteed by the Constitution. This article addresses the causes of false takedown notices and compares the provisions of content management obligations of the industry, and concludes that the future regulatory system of information storage service providers in Taiwan should not only implement the principle of technological neutrality in the Copyright Law, but also safeguard fundamental rights of expression guaranteed by the Constitution.
起訖頁 77-161
關鍵詞 不實侵權通知內容識別軟體AI演算法著作權蟑螂「通知/取下」程序數位單一市場著作權指令第17條過濾技術數位中介服務法False Takedown NoticesContent Recognition SoftwareAI Algorithms. Copyright TrollsThe Notice and Takedown ProceduresArticle 17 of The EU Digital Single Market Copyright DirectiveFiltering TechnologyThe Digital Intermediary Services Act
刊名 興大法學
出版單位 國立中興大學財經法律學系、科技法律研究所
期數 202311 (34期)
DOI 10.53106/199516202023110034002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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