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The Legal Subjectivity and Civil Liability Framework of Artificial Intelligence Medical Systems
作者 陳擷安吳建昌
中文摘要 人工智慧與人類間的關係及應用可能性,可能在倫理規範、法律制度、政策執行上帶來風險與衝擊。我們應該去思考如何正確看待人工智慧,特別是當人工智慧在運作過程造成傷害時,應該明確釐清出造成傷害的主體為何。
本研究論文以範疇文獻回顧之研究方法(Scoping Review),加以探討是否應賦予人工智慧法律主體?以及醫療人工智慧造成傷害的民事責任,應如何分擔?法律主體與民事責任承擔是否有關?基於這些探討,期能對於人工智慧在醫療領域發展所帶來的民事責任的問題,能以更為建設性、具體方式來解決。
英文摘要 The relationship of AI and human beings and AI’s applications will lead to risks and challenges in ethical norms, legal institutions and policy implementations.
Using the method of Scoping Review, this thesis explores the main arguments current literature makes regarding the following three issues: Whether we should recognize AI’s legal subjectivity, and if yes, how? How we should attribute civil responsibility/liability for the harm caused by AI? What is the relationship between legal subjectivity and civil responsibility/liability? It is hoped that the results might render more constructive and specific recommendation to resolve the civil responsibility/liability issues in the harms caused by medical AI.
We think strong artificial intelligence should be endowed with the legal subjectivity similar to that of a company, and a supervision unit of strong artificial intelligence should be set up to force artificial intelligence to register; The responsibility of weak artificial intelligence is borne by human beings. Although giving artificial intelligence a legal subject status of subjectivity right does not mean that human beings can completely attribute all responsibilities to artificial intelligence; However, when the person’s subjectivity right is given the legal subject status, the legal disputes related to artificial intelligence can be more clearly clarified, and the impact of artificial intelligence on human society can be reduced, which is conducive to its wider application.
起訖頁 75-113
關鍵詞 人工智慧AI醫療AI黑盒子深度學習法律主體電子人格商品責任製造商責任歸責民事責任民事侵權責任監管制度Artificial IntelligenceAI MedicineAI Black BoxDeep LearningLegal SubjectivityElectronic PersonalityProduct LiabilityManufacturer LiabilityLiability AttributionCivil ResponsibilityCivil Tort LiabilityAuditing Mechanism
刊名 財產法暨經濟法
出版單位 臺灣財產法暨經濟法研究協會
期數 202406 (76期)
DOI 10.53106/181646412024060076003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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