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The Challenges and Legal Development of Corporate Sustainability Information Disclosure in Taiwan in Light of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (EU) 2022/2464
作者 林淑芬
中文摘要 歐盟於2022年12月14日正式發布「企業永續報告指令」(CSRD),替代既有的「非財務報告指令」,以「財務」和「影響」雙重重大性為原則,擴大適用對象、規範應揭露的必要資訊、訂定單一電子報告格式、並要求確信服務,以改善永續資訊報告的有效性問題。台灣以2050淨零排碳為目標,由金管會承襲《公司治理3.0—永續發展藍圖》架構,發布《綠色金融行動方案3.0》與《上市櫃公司永續發展行動方案》,建構永續金融生態圈。
英文摘要 The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (“CSRD”) was officially published on 14 December 2022 and entered into force on 5 January 2023. Based on the Double Materiality principle of“Financial”and“Impact”, it modernizes and strengthens the rules concerning the social and environmental information that companies have to report. In this regard, it expands the applicable corporates, provides the disclosure standard and defines the scope of content, develops a single and consistent electronic reporting format, and requests assurance services to improve the effectiveness of sustainable information reporting. Taiwan aims to achieve net-zero carbon emission by 2050. To achieve it, the Financial Supervisory Commission published“Green Finance Action Plan 3.0”and“IPO Counter Company Sustainable Development Action Plan”as guidelines.
Taking the page of EU CSRD evolution, it is obvious that Taiwan’s development on corporate sustainability information disclosure is facing quite a few challenges. The whole program is complex and includes various domain know-how, who else asides from Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) should be involved to form the framework? In the long run, is FSC with sufficient resources or is it the right unit to lead? In addition to net-zero carbon emissions, what other environmental and social information should be disclosed to cover the full range of ESG? To prevent from the effectiveness issues encountered by NFRD, in refer with EU CSRD experience, we may have to consider what the standard of“material”and scope of content for sustainability information to cater both effectiveness to the market and cost efficiency to the corporate? In addition, how to make the information accessible and useful and how to assure its sufficiency and accuracy is also part of the challenges. In that regard, what is the common and consistent report standard and how to build up the assurance mechanism? Since the sustainability information is important, should we stay with the listed companies only or how and what is the timetable to expand the applicable target?
From CSR to ESG, Taiwan is in lining with the global standard. In the journey of sustainability, every norm and detail matters. By leveraging the learnings from EU CSRD, it is recommended Taiwan have to invite experts and institutions in charge of various and respective domain fields, especially but not limited to environmental protection and human rights. It is essential and necessary to have resource and expertise from various entities and inter-operate with each other to define a consistent definition of materiality, following the approach of EU CSRD, taking both financial and impact significance into consideration to cater both economic and social responsibilities as well as defining the scope, framework and format of information disclosure for compliance. Taiwan legislation of CSRD will be a long journey, the regulation on sustainability information disclosure can start with soft law as now on but it may be able to strengthen the mandatory effectiveness and accelerate the process if moving forward to hard law in the long run. In the meanwhile, in addition to clear define and expand the scope of content and report framework covering the full range of ESG disclosure with common and consistent report standard, it is also recommended to expand the scope of applicable companies step by step, from big to small, to the whole value chain to achieve the goal and to create mutual benefits of effectiveness and efficiency.
起訖頁 117-190
關鍵詞 企業永續報告指令(CSRD)企業社會責任(CSR)環境保護社會責任與公司治理(ESG)公司治理永續發展目標(SDGs)永續資訊揭露Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)Environment Social and Governance (ESG)Corporate GovernanceSustainable Development Goals (SDGs)Sustainability Disclosure
刊名 財產法暨經濟法
出版單位 臺灣財產法暨經濟法研究協會
期數 202312 (74期)
DOI 10.53106/181646412023120074004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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