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Reclarification on Whether Taiwan Depositary Receipt Has Been Approved as Securities in Taiwan─A Judicial Practice Analysis on the Supreme Court Ruling No. 105 Tai-Kang 70, 107 Tai-Shang 3170, and 111 Tai-Kang 537
作者 許兆慶高子淵
中文摘要 臺灣存託憑證(TDR)是否業經主管機關核定為證券交易法第6條第1項之有價證券,涉及相關行為有無證券交易法相關刑事處罰規定適用之問題,目前國內判決實務見解,固然多數肯認臺灣存託憑證業經主管機關核定為證券交易法第6條第1項之有價證券,惟其認定理由存在分歧,考其緣由,實係因主管機關未曾遵循空白刑法之正當法律程序,正式核定臺灣存託憑證為證券交易法第6條第1項之有價證券,以致各級法院各自解讀,最高法院就此衍生亂象曾提出質疑,學界對此亦多有批評,至今究竟臺灣存託憑證是否經主管機關核定為證券交易法第6條第1項之有價證券,學界及實務界仍無定論。
英文摘要 Whether transactions on Taiwan Depositary Receipt (TDR) or related behaviors should be subject to the criminal penalties under the Securities and Exchange Act (“SEA”) hinges on the premise that whether TDR has been officially approved as securities under Article 6, Section 1 of the SEA by the competent authority. Although the majority of judgments have recognized TDR as securities approved by the competent authority, the rationale and reasoning of those judgments are different. The chaos is mainly because the competent authority has not formally approved TDR as securities based on Article 6, Section 1 of the SEA. Consequently, the said issue still remains a controversy in both the practice field and the academia.
This article aims to compile recent important judgments and academic opinions about the said issue, to clarify the existing bifurcation between theoretical and practical fields, and to point out the controversy that current practices may have violated human rights. Based on the spirit of the interpretations rendered by the Grand Justices regarding the Blank Form of Criminal Statute, the Principle of Legal Reservation, and the Intelligible Principle, this article also aims to elaborate that the competent authority should officially approve TDR as securities according to Article 6, Section 1 of the SEA so as to follow the Due Process of Law and observe the relevant constitutional principles such as Nulla Poena Sine Lege.
起訖頁 57-83
關鍵詞 證券交易法臺灣存託憑證罪刑法定原則明確性原則正當法律程序Securities and Exchange ActTaiwan Depositary Receipt (TDR)Nulla Poena Sine LegeIntelligible PrincipleDue Process of Law
刊名 財產法暨經濟法
出版單位 臺灣財產法暨經濟法研究協會
期數 202312 (74期)
DOI 10.53106/181646412023120074002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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