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Research on Urban Regeneration with“Community-Driven” as Driver
作者 林伯威
中文摘要 臺灣「都市更新條例」自立法至2019年全文修正前制度設計主要係透過獎勵民間辦理非由政府主導的方式推動,而民間辦理都市更新之方式則以民間機構(建商)擔任實施者居多,長久以來仰賴由市場所主導之都市更新衍生許多實施者與地主資訊不對等的相關問題導致爭議事件頻傳。
英文摘要 The Urban Renewal Act in Taiwan underwent significant changes from its early stage to the amendment in 2019. The act was initially designed to promote private operations and incentivize participation rather than adopting a government-led approach. The private operations, which refer to the developers, have carried out most of the urban renewal projects. However, the disputes resulting from information asymmetry between implementers and landowners caused by the long-standing reliance on market-driven urban renewal projects occur often.
Given the situation above mentioned, the Control Yuan blamed the Ministry of Interior for the phenomenon that the private operations primarily carried out the urban renewals while public operations were the exception. Moreover, Constitutional Interpretation No. 709 declared the violation of some urban renewal procedures, which were not following proper administrative procedures.
It somehow resolved the disputes above-mentioned until the amendment to the Urban Renewal Act in 2019. Then, the amendment act added the government-led chapters with the spirit of Constitutional Interpretation No. 709, which amended the original administrative due process that failed to meet the constitutional requirements. Nevertheless, how to ensure that the relevant stakeholders are acquainted with proper guidance remains uncertain.
This study explored the Taiwan’s Urban Renewal Act and its implications for landowners. It aimed to provide landowners with accurate information to help them make informed decisions regarding their participation in urban renewal projects before implementing the statutory procedures of urban renewal. The study revealed that establishing an advanced mechanism through a community-driven urban renewal approach could reduce the possibility of disputes over information asymmetry when promoting urban renewal projects.
起訖頁 133-178
關鍵詞 都市更新民辦都市更新自主更新自行實施都市更新會團體組織正當行政程序資訊揭露公開資訊Urban RenewalPrivate Urban RenewalCommunity-Driven Urban RenewalSelf-implementationUrban Renewal AssociationGroup OrganizationAdministrative Due ProcessInformation DisclosureFreedom of Information
刊名 財產法暨經濟法
出版單位 臺灣財產法暨經濟法研究協會
期數 202309 (73期)
DOI 10.53106/181646412023090073004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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