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Observation of Bank Credit Review from the Perspective of Business Judgment Rule
作者 林祐辰
中文摘要 我國目前法規範中並無商業判斷原則的明文規定,學界間對於我國法體制是否採納商業判斷原則,運用之界線範圍為何,尚有不同看法。司法實務判決中,商業判斷原則雖在民事與刑事訴訟中常見被告頻繁引用,但我國實務對於是否採納則尚未形成定見,尤其是該原則是否可被適用於銀行授信業務上,則更是鮮見有學者或實務對此議題提出明確深入研究。本文以2017年至2020年間發生之潤寅案、慶富案、合庫案等銀行詐貸案例為核心,探討銀行經營者為追求銀行放款業務之高利潤與外部成長,進而容許高風險的徵授信放貸行為,並藉由此三案來探討商業判斷原則之內涵、運作及限制。
英文摘要 It brings huge risks to the daily operations of banks. In particular, the review of the lending and credit business of traditional banks has brought considerable impact and challenges. Business Judgment Rule has not recognized in the current legal regulations in Taiwan, but it has been adapted in many judicial cases, both in civil and criminal cases. There are still different opinions among the academic circles on whether Business Judgment Rule is applied in the existing legal system, and what ate the scope of the application in Taiwan. In particular, whether this principle can be applied to bank credit business, the in-depth researches and studies are still rare on this topic.
This article focuses on the case of fraudulent loans in Taiwan from 2017 to 2020- The fraudulent loans cases of New Site Industries, Ching Fu shipbuilding and Taiwan Cooperative Bank. This research would discuss the pursuit of high profits and external growth of bank lending business, and then allows high-risk of collecting credit and lending. This article takes these three cases as the examples to explore the connotation, operation and limitation of Business Judgment Rule.
起訖頁 161-191
關鍵詞 商業判斷原則銀行授信注意義務舉證責任忠實義務Business Judgment RuleBank CreditDuty of CareBurden of Producing EvidenceFiduciary Duty
刊名 財產法暨經濟法
出版單位 臺灣財產法暨經濟法研究協會
期數 202306 (72期)
DOI 10.53106/181646412023060072004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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