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Exploring Legal Issues Related to the Application of Artificial Intelligence in Long-Term Care Systems
作者 莊錦秀
中文摘要 依內政部2022年人口推估,台灣於2025年65歲人口占人口比逾20%,將步入超高齡社會。在高齡少子化趨勢下,長期照顧服務需求亦隨之升高,本文認為適度安全使用人工智慧科技應用於長期照顧服務體系,將對長期照護人力缺少有所助益並能提升受照顧者生活品質。然而,須注意人工智慧應用於長期照顧服務體系內,無論是透過遠距醫療提供居家式、社區式及機構住宿式醫療照護服務或機器人提供生活輔助(社交、輔具)及復健,均涉及受照顧者敏感個人醫療資訊安全及產生損害時法律責任,本文先從國內長期照顧服務體系簡介,再就醫療資安相關規範檢視是否對敏感醫療個資保護周全及人工智慧所帶來法律責任歸屬做探討。
英文摘要 According to Taiwan Minister of the Interior population, the percentage of over 65 years old in Taiwan population will be more than 20% in 2025, which will fit the super-aged society. In the trends of aging, the dependence of long-term care manpower elevates. This article focuses on the adequate application artificial intelligence on long-term care system, which increases the long-term care system inhabitants’lives quality. However, the involvement of care recipients’individual medical information as well as liabilities of recipients’damage were caused by artificial intelligence included promote medical care, society, care facilities should be deeply discussed. In conclusion, I will give introduction about our long-term care systems, and analyze legal responsibilities of artificial intelligence individuals’information.
起訖頁 33-107
關鍵詞 超高齡社會人工智慧長期照顧契約責任侵權責任Super-aged SocietyArtificial IntelligenceLong-Term CareContractual LiabilityTort Liability
刊名 財產法暨經濟法
出版單位 臺灣財產法暨經濟法研究協會
期數 202306 (72期)
DOI 10.53106/181646412023060072002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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