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Constitutional Analysis of the“Conditional Prohibition on the Transfer or Resale of Purchase Orders for Pre-sold Houses and Newly Constructed Houses”in Article 47-4 of the Equalization of Land Rights Act, Implemented in 2023
作者 林家祺
中文摘要 近年來因房價不斷飆漲引發政府是否能實現居住正義之質疑,政府因應民意提出系列打房措施,並在2023年1月修正平均地權條例,於新法第47條之4規定禁止預售屋及新成屋之換約轉售,違反者最高可處300萬之罰鍰,同時要求預售屋解約亦須30日內申報登錄。
英文摘要 In recent years, due to the continuous surge in housing prices, it has raised doubts about whether the government can achieve housing justice. In response to public opinion, the government has proposed a series of measures to curb speculation in the housing market. In January 2023, the government amended the Equalization of Land Rights Act and introduced Article 47-4, which prohibits the resale of pre-sold houses and newly constructed houses through contract assignment. Violators could face fines of up to three million NTD. And according to the article 47-4, the cancellation of pre-sold houses must be reported and registered within 30 days.
The rationale behind this amendment is to curb speculative activities in the pre-sold housing market and restore rational and fair transaction prices. However, the reactions to the new law have been mixed. Supporters argue that rampant speculation in the domestic real estate market has deviated from market trends and requires stricter legislation to curb the“speculation on pre-sold houses.”Opponents, on the other hand, believe that the transfer of pre-sold and newly completed houses should be allowed to return to market mechanisms, without excessive policy intervention. They also contend that measures already in place, such as the integration of property and land taxes and the high 45% tax rate on resale within two years, are sufficient to control the rise in housing prices. They advocate for the government to prioritize the use of tax and financial tools, rather than bypassing these options and resorting to the ultimate measure of prohibiting transactions, which would intrude upon private law autonomy.
Both the supporting and opposing arguments have their justifications. This paper will examine the constitutionality of Article 47-4 of the Equalization of Land Rights Act implemented in 2023, which pertains to the“prohibition of property sales contracts (pre-sold and newly constructed houses) being resold to third parties.”The examination will be conducted from a constitutional perspective, considering the protection of people’s property rights and the freedom of private law autonomy guaranteed by the Constitution. This analysis aims to provide insights for future legislative amendments.
起訖頁 1-31
關鍵詞 居住正義平均地權違憲審查預售屋轉售私法自治Residency JusiticeConstitutional ReviewAverage Land RightPre-sale House ResaleAutonomy of Private Law
刊名 財產法暨經濟法
出版單位 臺灣財產法暨經濟法研究協會
期數 202306 (72期)
DOI 10.53106/181646412023060072001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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