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Contracts for Sale of Goods with Open Price Terms under U.S. Law and Its Implications for Taiwan
作者 江崇源
中文摘要 為使商業交易更為靈活且具彈性,以降低締約過程之交易成本,美國自19世紀末起,即對價金不確定貨物買賣契約展開法制建構工作。而於其歷經逾百年之演進與不斷之修正調整後,該有關價金不確定貨物買賣契約之法制建設,可稱完整且詳盡。是以,本文期透過對美國規範價金不確定貨物買賣契約之法制發展,尤其是美國統一商業法典第2-305條之立法沿革及其規範體系與內容,為有系統之整理與解析,以供我國將來針對此議題,進行相關法制建設或為司法審判時之參考。
英文摘要 In order to reduce potential high transaction costs to detail a contract, and to provide more flexibility for parties to structure complicated and uncertain contracts for the sale of goods, the United States of America is the leading country to establish a well-tailored legal framework to cope with the issue of open price term in contracts for the sales of goods to response the modern commercial reality and the need of business development. Therefore, this research, through the analysis and discussion of the legal approach the United States has taken to regulate open-price sale of goods contract, with particular attention to Uniform Commercial Code section 2-305, hopes to provide a useful direction for Taiwan to perfect its contract law in the near future.
起訖頁 87-135
關鍵詞 契約明確性法則不完整契約價金不明確契約美國統一商業法典第2-305條私法自治原則the requirement of definitenessincomplete contractopen-price contractUCC§2-305the principle of party autonomy
刊名 財產法暨經濟法
出版單位 臺灣財產法暨經濟法研究協會
期數 202209 (69期)
DOI 10.53106/181646412022090069003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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