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The Study on the Defense of Laches in Copyright Infringement Claims─Based on the US Case Law
作者 張郁齡
中文摘要 本文擬介紹國人並不熟悉,是由美國案例法發展而成之權利懈怠原則(the doctrine of laches)。立基於「法律不保護權利上的睡眠者」法理,權利懈怠原則係指權利人不合理延遲訴訟的行為,造成侵權人的利益受損時,侵權人得主張權利懈怠抗辯,拒絕權利人侵權賠償等法律救濟。針對權利人延遲訴訟的問題,德國透過法官造法創設權利失效原則,美國案例法則發展權利懈怠原則加以因應,兩者為概念相近又不全然相同的法律原則,更精確地說,權利失效原則可視為權利懈怠原則與禁反言原則的綜合體,但權利懈怠原則與禁反言原則在權利屬性與法律效果上又有所差異,美國案例法將其各自發展成兩理論成熟的法律原則的作法,某種程度可避免適用上矛盾的可能困擾。
英文摘要 The desire of this article is to introduce the doctrine of laches developed by the US case law. Based on the maxim that“equity aids the vigilant, not those who sleep on their rights”, the equitable doctrine of laches is applied by a court to bar a suit with the unreasonable delay by the plaintiff which caused unjust prejudice to the defendant.
In order to avoid the unreasonable delay by the plaintiff in filing suit, German courts created a doctrine of“Verwirkung”to deal with this issue, and the doctrine of laches is applied by US courts to bar an infringement claim from the lazy right owner. Although laches and Verwirkung are related concepts, there is a clear distinction between the two. Verwirkung can be viewed as the combination of laches and estoppel, but the two defenses are separately invoked by the US case law.
Following German cases, Verwirkung has been often used as a defense by the defendant in cases related to the context of traditional civil law in Taiwan, but not copyright cases. As a kind of intelligent property rights, copyright protection is very different from the protection of personal properties under civil law. The fact that America’s global leadership in the IPR industries makes the content of its copyright law is adopted in much of the world, including Taiwan. Many important legal doctrines (e.g., transformative use) are also well referenced by the court in Taiwan. Moreover, the US courts have had plenty of experiences of the cases with the defense of laches. Apart from Verwirkung, this article, in the context of copyright, tries to explore whether the doctrine of laches could be a possible option for the court in Taiwan to offer the defendant another way to protect himself by learning from the US experiences.
起訖頁 37-85
關鍵詞 權利懈怠原則消滅時效禁反言原則權利失效原則不當得利請求權the defense of lachesVerwirkungthe statute of limitationsthe defense of estoppelthe claim of unjust enrichment
刊名 財產法暨經濟法
出版單位 臺灣財產法暨經濟法研究協會
期數 202209 (69期)
DOI 10.53106/181646412022090069002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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