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Legal Disputes on the Joint Delay of Public Works Contracts
作者 鄧勝軒
中文摘要 給付遲延於工程實務上常見問題為共同遲延(Concurrent Delay)問題,也是最複雜的問題,其類型有遲延發生之原因不僅存在於承包商(承攬人),亦存在於業主(定作人)或第三人之情形或不可抗力因素,故有多種態樣。在遲延的爭議中,尤以共同遲延的發生,最令人感到困擾,其主因導於契約中常未有預先規範,再者,共同遲延的意義、分類與法律效果目前仍未有統一的見解,使得共同遲延的爭議處理成為公認難題。我國傳統觀念認為因承包商有可歸責性,故不應展延工期,而業主與承包商亦不得向相對人請求損害賠償。本文以某重劃統包工程共同遲延為例,檢視國內法界提出可能之處理方式,包含「逾期違約金說」(甲說)、「無損害賠償責任說」(乙說)、「有損害賠償責任說」(丙說),並加入本文「無損害賠償責任折衷說」(丁說)見解,輔以經濟分析方法檢驗各種處理方式,最後本文認為採「無損害賠償責任折衷說」(丁說)為國內工程環境較佳處理方式,且符合經濟分析之「公平正義」與「財富極大」雙重目標。
英文摘要 In civil engineering practice, a common issue of default, named Concurrent Delay which is not only attributable to the contractor (contractor), but also the owner (orderer), or in most cases, to the third party, even force majeure, is one kind of the most complicated dispute. Among the Delay disputes, the occurrence of Concurrent Delay is disturbing. The main reason is no preventing terms or clauses in the contract. Moreover, without a precise definition, classification and legal effects, Concurrent Delay become a tough issue.In practise, if the contractor is attributable to the work delay, the construction period should not be extended, and the contractor can’t claim to their counterparty, the owner, in this situation. This article took the common delay of a real case regarding rezoning turnkey project as an example for examining the methods, including“Overdue Liquidated Damages”(A theory),“No Liability for Damages”(B theory),“Compensation for Damages Liability theory”(C theory), and added the insights of“No Compensation Liability Compensation Theory”(D theory), proposed by legal professionalism, and supplemented by economic analysis to test various treatment methods besides. And“No Damage Compensation Liability Compromise Theory”(D theory) is the best way to deal in the domestic construction environment by this article, and is fullfilled the dual goals -“fairness and justice”and“extreme wealth”under economic analysis.
起訖頁 173-200
關鍵詞 公共工程共同遲延經濟分析無損害賠償責任折衷說Public WorksConcurrent DelaysEconomic AnalysisCompromise Theory of Non-Damage Liability
刊名 財產法暨經濟法
出版單位 臺灣財產法暨經濟法研究協會
期數 202203 (67期)
DOI 10.53106/181646412022030067004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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