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Assessment of Notarial Fees ─ Focus on the Analysis of the Objected & Disciplined Notarial Cases
作者 鄭惠佳
中文摘要 公證法於1999年修正通過,2000年開始施行,最大的變革就是引進民間公證制度。舊法時期公證人均設置於法院,請求人所繳納的公證費歸屬國庫;新增的民間公證人需在指定的轄區內設置事務所,原則禁止兼職,故收取的公證費為其主要收入來源。我國雖採費用法定原則,但因公證事項眾多,實難鉅細靡遺規範各種類型之收費標準,因此,當核定公證費數額與請求人預期有落差時,可能遭異議;若與監督機關認定不同時,則移付懲戒。本文從目前已發生的異議案與懲戒案談起,將其爭議點綜合整理,並對於法院之裁定與懲戒議決結果逐一分析,所得結論為:為避免因公證人與監督機關法律見解歧異而生之懲戒案,或公證人對當事人未詳細說明而提出之異議案,當務之急除了就公證費用基本概念廣為宣導外,更須深化公證理論研究,在費用規範未明確的情形,應先請主管機關進行統一解釋,未作出函釋前,考量公證人為法律專業人員,而非一般行政人員,宜賦予較大的裁量權,肯定其對於社會的貢獻,也使得這份職業獲得應有的尊重。
英文摘要 The Notary Act Amendment took effect in 2001. Since then, the Notarial acts shall be performed by notaries serving in the courts or by notaries who operate their own offices. Since the Court notaries are public servants, the Notarial fees are handed over to the National Treasury. If the Notarial fees are charged by civil notaries, the fees are treated as their main remuneration. Thus, how to assess the amounts of notarial fee for each service becomes an important topic.This article will introduce 3 objected notarial cases and 17 disciplined notarial cases in part 2, to organize these issues and comments in part 3, and at last, to present my opinions on these cases. The conclusion of the article is to promote the fundamental rules and concepts of notarial fees to the public and to deeply improve the research on the notarial fees is essential. Without clear stipulations regarding assessment of notarial fees in the Notarial Act, it is recommended that greater discretionary power will be given.
起訖頁 69-115
關鍵詞 公證費公證法法院公證人民間公證人裁量權Notarial FeesNotarial ActCourt NotariesCivil NotariesDiscretionary Power
刊名 財產法暨經濟法
出版單位 臺灣財產法暨經濟法研究協會
期數 202112 (66期)
DOI 10.53106/181646412021120066002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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