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The Conflict and Integration between Information Intelligence Application and Personal Data Protection in the 5G Era
作者 陳蕙君
中文摘要 隨著5G基礎設施佈建並結合人工智慧(AI)應用深入生活各層面,政府或企業等公私單位透過各類型電子端末裝置或機器,大量蒐集個人生活履歷(lifelog)資料、網路上閱覽紀錄、GPS定位資料及醫療紀錄等資料,並將龐大數據資料分散於複數之伺服器或雲端,透過大數據運算處理轉化為各種類型數據再續行利用。可預見在未來5G電信基礎設施佈建到位後所蒐集的海量大數據資料群中,往往包含大量個人資料的蒐集、處理及利用,即使我國目前有個人資料保護法強化保護,但越是多樣化的傳輸與應用發展,個人資料被無端蒐集、濫用、洩漏之風險相對提高。本文擬檢視5G趨勢下AI應用下發展中之應用場域,所可能涉及之個人資料蒐集、處理、利用態樣,就我國個人資料保護法目前規定之個資生命週期相關規定為基礎進行介紹,輔以前揭相關規定與歐盟GDPR規範之差異比較,探討5G趨勢發展後AI應用普及後,個人資料保護與資訊應用之衝突調和。
英文摘要 5G infrastructure is deployed and combined with artificial intelligence (AI) applications into all aspects of life, governments or enterprises collect lots of personal data without difference such as life log data and online viewing records, GPS data, medical records, etc. through various types of electronic terminal devices or machines. Then disperse huge data on multiple servers or clouds, and convert them into various types of data through big data processing and then continue to use them. It is foreseeable that large data will be collected and include the collection after 5G telecommunications infrastructure deployed, and be used within processing and utilization of a large number of personal data. Even though it is currently ruled with personal data protection law to strengthen protection, but the more diversified with the development of transmission and application, the risk of personal data being collected, misused, and leaked is higher than ever. This article examines the solutions under the development of AI applications with 5G trend, and the issues of personal data collection, processing, and utilization, and introduce the relevant provisions from the aspect of life cycle of the personal data currently stipulated by Taiwan’s Personal Data Protection Act. Then complementing the comparison between the previously disclosed relevant regulations of EU GDPR, and discussing the reconciliation of the conflict between personal data protection and information application after the development of 5G trend and the popularization of AI applications.
起訖頁 53-111
關鍵詞 個人資料5G大數據人工智慧(AI)歐盟資料保護一般規則(GDPR)Personal Data5GBig DataArtificial Intelligence (AI)General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
刊名 財產法暨經濟法
出版單位 臺灣財產法暨經濟法研究協會
期數 202106 (64期)
DOI 10.53106/181646412021060064002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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