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2018年版歐盟視聽媒體服務指令──與臺灣OTT TV專法草案比較與思考
Comparing 2018 EU Audiovisual Media Services Directive with OTT TV Act Draft of Taiwan
作者 楊智傑
中文摘要 對於OTT TV(over-the-top TV)的管理,國家通訊傳播委員會於2020年7月22日,正式提出「網際網路視聽服務管理法草案」。歐盟2018年新版的視聽媒體服務指令(Audiovisual Media Services Directive)對OTT TV業者的管理,有完整的規定,與通傳會草案的條文有所差異。因而,本文以歐盟視聽媒體服務指令作為借鏡對象。首先本文完整介紹歐盟視聽媒體服務指令,尤其2018年修正後的新管制方式。其次介紹通傳會所提出之網際網路視聽服務管理法草案之重要內容。在對草案內容做介紹時,也會與歐盟相關規定做比較,可清楚看出通傳會草案的特色。最後並提出筆者看法。
英文摘要 For the management of OTT TV (over-the-top TV), the National Communications Commission (NCC) formally proposed the ’’Internet Audiovisual Service Management Act’’ on July 22, 2020. For comparison, the EU’s 2018 new version of the Audiovisual Media Service Directive has complete regulations on the management of OTT TV operators, which are different from those in the Taiwanese draft. Therefore, this article takes the EU Audiovisual Media Services Directive as the reference. First of all, this article fully introduces and elaborates the important provisions of EU Audiovisual Media Services Directive, especially the new control methods revised in 2018. Secondly, the important provisions and legislative reasons of the Internet Audiovisual Service Management Law proposed by NCC will be introduced. After introducing the contents of the draft, as well as comparing with the relevant regulations of the European Union, it will clearly show the characteristics of the draft of Taiwan. Finally, the author will make some preliminary observations.
起訖頁 1-52
關鍵詞 OTT TV專法網際網路視聽服務管理法草案歐盟視聽媒體服務指令共同管制自律影片分享平台自製節目比例OTT TV LawInternet Audiovisual Service Management Act DraftEU Audiovisual Media Service DirectiveCoregulationSelf-RegulationVideo Sharing PlatformSelf- Produced Program Ratio
刊名 財產法暨經濟法
出版單位 臺灣財產法暨經濟法研究協會
期數 202106 (64期)
DOI 10.53106/181646412021060064001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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