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Physical Conditioning Development in Youth: An Exploration of Long-Term Athlete Development Models
作者 林育瑋吳柏翰
中文摘要 目的:制定訓練計畫時,若沒有考量兒童與青少年運動員的生理特性,,可能會造成倦怠和運動傷害,進而影響競賽表現。因此,確立運動員長期體能訓練計畫的目標,就顯地格外重要。方法:本研究從Google Scholar和PubMed等資料庫檢索文獻,根據兒童與青少年運動員的生理特性,探討不同時期的訓練方式。結果:隨著兒童與青少年的成長,生理特性有所差異。在身高增長高峰期之前的兒童,由於肌肉功能尚未成熟,同時運動表現和體能的成長速度較差,需要學習如何控制動作。隨著肌肉功能與賀爾蒙分泌逐漸成熟,在身高增長高峰期之後的青少年,運動表現和體能的成長速度最佳,適合參與強度更高且更多元的訓練。因此,我們將運動員的體能發展區分為兒童期、兒童後期和青春期三個時期。兒童期主要訓練基本動作技術,例如移動技術、維持身體穩定和控制物品的能力。兒童後期則持續精進基本動作技術並開始練習專項運動技術,學習改變方向、跑步技術和肌力訓練動作技巧,以促進身體能力。青春期以專項運動技術訓練為主要目標,持續發展專項運動所需的體能,避免運動傷害。結論:青少年運動員長期的體能訓練策略,應考量運動員的生理年齡、訓練經驗以及專項體能,在對應的時期規劃合適的訓練內容,以追求身體能力的長期發展,最終達成個人最佳之競技運動表現。
英文摘要 Purpose: If training programs are not developed based on the physiological characteristics of youth athletes, fatigue and sports injuries may be caused, which can negatively affect their competition performance. Therefore, the establishment of a long-term physical training program for athletes is particularly important. Methods: This article searches the literature from the data-bases Google Scholar and Pubmed. An investigation is conducted into the training methods for different stages based on the physiological characteristics of youth athletes. Results: As children and adolescents grow, there are differences in their physiologi-cal characteristics. Due to their immature muscle function, poorer exercise performance and physical fitness growth are experi-enced by children before the peak height velocity. Control of their movements needs to be learned. An increase in performance and rate of physical fitness growth is experienced by adolescents after the peak height velocity, as their muscle function and hormone secretion gradually mature. Participation in more training is allowed for them. Therefore, into three periods: childhood, late childhood, and adolescence, the development of athletes’physical fitness is divided. In childhood, fundamental movement skills such as locomotion skills, postural skills, and object-interaction skills are primarily trained. In later childhood, fundamental movement skills are further refined, and preliminary training in sport specific skills is introduced, including learning how to change directions, running techniques, and strength training techniques, to enhance physical abilities. In adolescents, the main goal is sport specific skills training, continuously developing the specific physical abilities, and avoiding sports injuries. Conclusions: The long-term physical training strategy for adolescent athletes should take into account their biological age, training experience, and specific physical abilities, and plan appropriate training content during the corresponding period to pursue the long-term devel-opment of their physical abilities, ultimately achieving their best personal athletic performance.
起訖頁 11-23
關鍵詞 早期運動專項化身高增長高峰期基本動作技術early sport specializationpeak height velocityfundamental movement skills
刊名 運動生理暨體能學報
出版單位 臺灣運動生理暨體能學會
期數 202306 (36期)
DOI 10.53106/1815638X2023060036002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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