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Effect of High-intensity Interval Training with Body Weight on Aerobic Fitness, Body Composition and Muscular Fitness
作者 吳冠蓁潘旗學陳著鄭景峰
中文摘要 目的:高強度循環訓練(high-intensity circuit training, HICT)是延伸自高強度間歇訓練的一種運動模式,也是近年流行的運動方式。然而,目前關於HICT的訓練效益並不清楚。因此,本研究的目的在透過歸納整理HICT相關文獻,針對心肺適能、身體組成與肌肉適能等要素,探討HICT長期適應的可能效益。方法:本研究透過PubMed、華藝線上圖書館以及網路搜尋引擎Google學術資料庫蒐集相關文獻,並根據系統性回顧和統合分析的偏好描述項目(preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses)指南所定義之步驟進行系統性回顧,檢視HICT對心肺適能、身體組成與肌肉適能的影響。結果:共收錄了15篇文獻,文獻品質屬於一般(5.5±1.1分)。在心肺適能部分,以20秒:10秒之運動休息比,進行4週、每週3次、每次≧15分鐘之HICT,對不同體能條件之族群皆能達到改善。在身體組成部分,目前研究似乎不足以證明體能條件差異之影響效果,以20秒:10秒之運動休息比,進行≧8週、每週3次、每次≧8分鐘之HICT,應能降低體脂肪,進而改善身體組成,對於肌肉量之影響仍有待後續研究進行。在肌肉適能部分,HICT對於爆發力表現之改善結果尚不明確,對於大肌群之肌力與肌耐力提升有較明顯效果。不論以何種運動休息比,進行≧8週、每週3次、每次≧15分鐘之HICT,對於肌肉適能之促進效果較佳。結論:從現有之實證性研究探討,以20秒:10秒之運動休息比、每次進行≧15分鐘、每週3次、進行4週以上的HICT,能增加最大攝氧量、氧氣運輸,提升心肺適能。每次≧8分鐘、每週3次、進行≧8週則可增加能量系統的壓力,促進脂肪使用進而改變身體組成。每次進行≧15分鐘、每週3次、進行8-12週則可改善肌耐力與肌力。此外,根據本研究,不同訓練程度族群差異亦影響HICT對於心肺適能之改善效果,因此,後續研究設計上仍需進一步探討。
英文摘要 Purpose: The high-intensity circuit training (HICT) is recently a popular exercise mode derived from high-intensity interval training. However, the chronic effects of long-term HICT remains unclear. Therefore, the purpose of this review was examined the chronic effects of HICT on the cardiovascular fitness, body composition, and muscle fitness by through reviewing previous studies. Methods: This study conducted a systematic review following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. PubMed, the Airiti Library, and the Google Scholar database were searched for relevant literature to examine the effects of HICT on cardiovascular fitness, body composition, and muscular fitness. Results: A total of 15 articles were included, and the quality of the literature was generally rated as average (5.5±1.1 points). Our results indicated that the 4-wk of HICT with work: rest ratio of 20 sec: 10 sec, 15 minutes per session, and 3 sets per week could improve cardiorespiratory capacity in individuals with different fitness levels. In terms of body composition, current research appears to be insufficient to demonstrate the effects of differences in physical fitness levels. However, HICT with work: rest ratio of 20 sec: 10 sec, 8 minutes per session, 3 times a week for 8 weeks should reduce body fat and improve body composition, although the effect on muscle mass remains unclear. With respect to muscular fitness, the effect of HICT on explosive performance remains unclear, but it has a significant effect on endurance performance and strength in large muscle groups. Regardless of the work-rest ratio used, HICT performed for 15 minutes, 3 sets per week for 8 weeks has a better benefit on muscular fitness. Conclusions: The findings of this study suggested that HICT with work: rest ratio of 20 sec: 10 sec,≧15 minutes per session, 3 sets per week for≧4 weeks might increase maximal oxygen uptake, oxygen transport, and cardiovascular fitness. HICT with work: rest ratio of 20 sec: 10 sec,≧8 minutes per session, 3 sets per week for≧8 weeks might result in greater stress on the energy system, and facilitate the fat, thereby changing body composition. Regardless the work: rest ratio, HICT with≧15 minutes per session, 3 sets per week for 8 to 12 weeks might improve muscular endurance and strength. Further studies are needed to clarify the effects of different fitness levels on the cardiovascular fitness in responses to the administration of HICT.
起訖頁 25-42
關鍵詞 自身體重循環訓練健康促進有氧能力body weightcircuit traininghealth promotionaerobic capacity
刊名 運動生理暨體能學報
出版單位 臺灣運動生理暨體能學會
期數 202212 (35期)
DOI 10.53106/1815638X2022120035003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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