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The Physical Fitness Assessment of National Sports Training Center
作者 林泰祐
中文摘要 透過體能檢測評估運動員表現是訓練實務相當重要的一環,國家運動訓練中心針對運動員敏捷、速度、下肢爆發力、有氧能力與肌力等面向提供檢測說明與實務經驗。本文同時針對體能檢測之目的、項目選擇、檢測時間與頻率進行說明,其中亦包含應用與限制。未來,體能檢測的發展將越來越趨近專項化,而檢測結果將協助教練評估不同週期規劃下的訓練適應。因此,如何透過適當的體能檢測手段協助運動員強化運動表現將是教練需首要考量的。
英文摘要 Assessment of sports and athletic performance are important for coach. National sports training center provides the practical experience of sport related physical fitness tests on sports training. These aspects include that agility, speed, lower limbs power, aerobic capacity and strength. Moreover, the assessment purpose, assessment selection, test timing, test frequency, application of outcomes and limitation are also discussed. In the future, the sport related physical fitness test would become more and more spe-cific. The outcomes of assessment would be used for monitoring the adaptation of training during different periodizations. There-fore, the selection and application of assessment should be considered fully by coach to optimize athletic performance.
起訖頁 1-8
關鍵詞 體能檢測敏捷速度肌力有氧能力physical fitness assessmentagilityspeedaerobic capacitystrength
刊名 運動生理暨體能學報
出版單位 臺灣運動生理暨體能學會
期數 202212 (35期)
DOI 10.53106/1815638X2022120035001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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