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Effect of Simulated Soccer Matches on Changes in Hamstrings and Quadriceps Concentric Strength Ratio in Adult Women Soccer Players
作者 謝忠展周台英
中文摘要 目的:探討足球模擬比賽對女子足球員腿後腱肌(hamstrings, H)和股四頭肌(quadriceps, Q)的向心肌力(HQ)比率的影響,以及HQ比率是否受到肌肉損傷的影響。方法:招募20名現役大專一級女子足球員為受試者,並隨機分派至實驗組及控制組(10位/組)。實驗組進行一場90分鐘羅浮堡間歇性折返跑測驗(Loughborough Intermittent Shuttle Test, LIST)作為足球模擬比賽,且於LIST前、後第2、24、48、72、96、120小時測量Q和H向心肌力、HQ比率、Q和H肌肉痠痛、血槳肌酸激酶活性(creatine kinase, CK),控制組則不進行任何LIST,僅以每間隔24小時,連續4天觀察所有依變項。結果:控制組所有依變項無明顯變化(p > .05)。而實驗組在完成LIST後所有依變項,與前測和控制組均達顯著變化(p < .05)。此外,LIST後的HQ比率與肌肉損傷指標之間有顯著相關(p < .05)。結論:女子足球員進行足球模擬比賽後,隨著引起肌肉損傷時,也會造成HQ比率下降。因此,HQ比率變化可能可以更了解足球員的疲勞恢復情況。
英文摘要 Purpose: The present study investigated the effect of simulated soccer matches on changes in hamstrings (H) and quadriceps (Q) concentric strength ratio in adult women soccer players, and the effect of muscle damage on HQ ratio. Methods: Twenty adult women soccer players were recruited in the study, and then were randomly assigned into control (Con, n = 10) or experimental (Exp, n = 10) groups. Exp performed the Loughborough Intermittent Shuttle Test (LIST) daily for three consecutive days, while Con did not perform the LIST. H and Q concentric strength, HQ ratio, muscle soreness (SOR) of the H and Q, CK were taken before LIST, and 24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 hours after LIST for Exp. The aforemen-tioned variables were measured for the Con group before 24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 hours post-exercise. Results: No signifi-cant (p > .05) changes in all variables were observed over time for Con. Changes in variables after LIST for Exp were sig-nificantly greater (p < .05) compared to baseline and Con. HQ ratio had significantly (p < .05) negatively correlated with muscle damage markers after LIST. Conclusions: These results showed that LIST induced muscle damage, and HQ ratio were significantly reduced after LIST in adult women soccer players. HQ ratio may possibly be used as an effective moni-toring index for recovery from soccer match.
起訖頁 21-31
關鍵詞 羅浮堡間歇性折返跑測驗HQ比率肌肉痠痛血液肌酸激酶Loughborough Intermittent Shuttle TestHQ ratiomuscle sorenesscreatine kinase
刊名 運動生理暨體能學報
出版單位 臺灣運動生理暨體能學會
期數 202206 (34期)
DOI 10.53106/1815638X2022060034003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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