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The Correlation Between Mental Health and Physical Fitness in Female College Students
作者 李芷婷林麗娟
中文摘要 目的:探討大學女生心理健康與體適能之相關性。方法:本研究對象為大學女生,共納851位受檢者,平均年齡為19.45±0.61歲,受測者會接受自填式簡式健康量表作為心理健康之評估,與接受教育部體育署之規範的體適能檢測。結果:身體質量指數、柔軟度、肌力和肌耐力,與「睡眠困難」、「感覺緊張不安」、「感覺容易苦惱或動怒」、「感覺憂鬱心情低落」或「覺得比不上別人」等指標,在統計上呈現不同程度之相關。若將心理健康做分數上的分組,柔軟度、肌力和肌耐力會在不同心理健康組別呈現具統計意義的組間差異。結論:柔軟度、肌力和肌耐力除了作為身體機能之評估,也可作為心理健康狀態之參考。
英文摘要 Purpose: To explore the correlation between mental health and physical fitness among female college students. Methods: A total of 851 first-year female college students were enrolled in the study. The average age was 19.45±0.61 years old. All the subjects received the self-administered Brief Symptom Rating Scale questionnaire to evaluate mental health. All subjects also received the physical fitness examination. Results: The body mass index showed a statistically significant positive correlation with sleep difficulty, while sit and reach, broad jump, and one-minute sit-ups revealed a statistically significant negative correlation. In addition, sit and reach, and one-minute sit-ups showed a statistically signif-icant negative correlation with feeling nervous and restless. Sit and reach and broad jump also revealed a statistically sig-nificant negative correlation with feeling easily distressed or irritable. Furthermore, body mass index, sit and reach and one-minute sit-ups were statistically negatively correlated with feeling depressed and low mood. The broad jump was the only indicator statistically negatively associated with feeling inferior to others. Lastly, if mental health is divided by scores, sit and reach, broad jumps, and one-minute sit-ups showed statistical differences in different mental health status groups. Conclusions: Except for cardiorespiratory fitness, body mass index, sit and reach, broad jump, and one-minute sit-ups all showed statistical correlations with different indicators of mental health scale. Subjects with lower mental health scale scores have poorer performance among sit and reach, broad jumps, and one-minute sit-ups indicators. Therefore, the health fitness examination is considered the assessment tool for physical function in clinical settings. Based on our study result, the health fitness examination may also offer a clue to one’s mental health status.
起訖頁 11-20
關鍵詞 體適能心理健康大學女生physical fitnessmental healthcollege females
刊名 運動生理暨體能學報
出版單位 臺灣運動生理暨體能學會
期數 202206 (34期)
DOI 10.53106/1815638X2022060034002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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