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Analysis of Distance and Speed Rate of Different Positions on High School Basketball League During Competition
作者 陳正修李淳滏蔡政霖林正常
中文摘要 目的:本研究旨在探討我國高中籃球聯賽男子球員,優秀前鋒、中鋒、後衛比賽中移動距離與速率。方法:採固定機位攝影機現場拍攝高中籃球聯賽3名指標選手。影像資料輸入Kwon 3D動作分析系統後,比較3位選手比賽時移動的距離、速率、時間。結果:比賽時各位置的移動總距離與每分鐘平均移動距離(前鋒:6,215.85公尺/163.58公尺;中鋒:5,248.70公尺/169.31公尺;後衛:6,539.54公尺/163.49公尺),皆未達顯著差異(p > .05)。各級移動速率出現的次數中,前鋒比賽時極慢、慢速、中等、次極限、極限、總移動次數分別為53,723、53,768、12,264、2,625、386、122,766次;中鋒為96,257、46,240、10,012、1,089、103、153,701次;後衛則為77,759、61,494、11,530、1,350、162、152,295次,除前鋒次極限速率出現次數的總和顯著高於中鋒(p < .05),其餘各節各級距的出現次數與比例,對不同位置的選手並無顯著不同。結論:各位置比賽的移動總距離、每分鐘平均移動距離、移動速率次數等外在負荷相似,表示位置區分上已趨模糊,惟前鋒對爆發力要求較高,但體能需求上差異不大,因此體能訓練上的負荷與強度,皆可進行多趟每分鐘160公尺以上中等至次極限速度的折返跑累積至5公里,每趟休息時間最多不超過1分鐘,以強化磷酸與乳酸系統。
英文摘要 Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the difference in distance and speed of position on elite high school basketball male players during official competition. Methods: Three elite male basketball players from High School Bas-ketball League division one were monitored across quarterfinal games. Collected total distance covered and speed rate and time were digitized and analyzed by Kwon 3D motion analysis system. Results: Distance and per minute average distance moved for the forward, center and guard were 6215.85m/163.58m, 5248.70m/169.31m, 6539.54m/163.49m, respectively, both had no significant difference (p > .05). Among the times of speed at 5 levels and total, the forwards were 53723, 53768, 12264, 2625, 386, 122766 in extremely slow, slow, medium, sub-maximal, extreme, and total; center were 96257, 46240, 10012, 1089, 103, 153701; guard were 77759, 61494, 11530, 1350, 162, 152295, only total number of times of forward sub-maximal speed significant higher than center (p < .05). Conclusion: The difference in the external load of dis-tance, per minute average distance, and speed rate time during the competition of each position is getting low, all position need similar physical demands, forward require more power. Therefore, design medium to sub-maximal speed rate shuttle run exceed 160m per minute until 5km, rest interval less than a minute to optimize phosphagen and lactate system.
起訖頁 1-10
關鍵詞 Kwon 3D動作分析系統前鋒中鋒後衛體能Kwon 3D motion analysisforwardcenterguardfitness
刊名 運動生理暨體能學報
出版單位 臺灣運動生理暨體能學會
期數 202206 (34期)
DOI 10.53106/1815638X2022060034001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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