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Effects of Different Resistance Training Methods and Concurrent Training on Functional Capacity in Physically Frail Older Adults
作者 周建宏林信甫
中文摘要 人在老化的過程中,缺乏身體活動會加速神經肌肉的功能喪失,進而影響執行日常生活的運動能力,例如步行、從椅子上站起和爬樓梯等日常活動,近一步增加死亡的風險。面對老化可能產生的肌少症,阻力訓練(resistance training, RT)已經被認為是預防肌少症、身體衰弱與減緩神經肌肉衰退的有效工具,並且是提高高齡者日常功能能力的有效介入手段。阻力訓練的訓練方式十分多元,除了一般傳統的低速的阻力訓練(low-speed resistance training, LST),許多研究結果顯示快速的阻力訓練(high-speed resistance training, HST)對於健康高齡者的效益比起LST更高。然而,大部分此主題的研究對象都是一般正常老化的高齡者,因此本文獻回顧聚焦於年紀大於65歲以上的高齡者,且本身有慢性疾病及處於衰弱狀態的高齡者,探討低速的阻力訓練、快速的阻力訓練、混合訓練,對此族群的健康促進效益。
英文摘要 During human aging, the ability to perform daily activities such as walking, chair standing, and stair climbing is considerably decreased due to neuromuscular impairments, which further increases the risk of death. Resistance training (RT) has been recog-nized as an effective intervention to prevent sarcopenia and frailty, and to improve functional abilities of the older adults when dealing with sarcopenia caused by aging. There are a variety of RT methods that can be used. Compared to the traditional low-speed resistance training (LST), many studies have shown that high-speed resistance training (HST) is more beneficial to healthy older adults. Unlike the past studies whose participants were selected from healthy older adults, this article focuses on adults with chronic diseases and frailty who are older than 65 years. The purpose of this article is to review the effects of different resistance training methods and concurrent training on functional capacity in physically frail older adults.
起訖頁 13-23
關鍵詞 運動訓練老化肌肉萎縮exercise trainingagingmuscle atrophy
刊名 運動生理暨體能學報
出版單位 臺灣運動生理暨體能學會
期數 202106 (32期)
DOI 10.53106/1815638X2021060032002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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