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The Effects of Different Half-Time Re-Warm-Up Strategies on Team Sports Performance
作者 楊云瑢潘旗學鄭景峰
中文摘要 球類運動中,包含許多爆發力與敏捷性之專項動作。過去研究指出,進行再熱身(re-warm-up)活動,可減緩中場期間被動休息可能造成的運動表現下降。本研究透過相關文獻的搜索,探討不同再熱身策略對後續運動表現的影響及可能生理機轉。經統整後發現,再熱身活動生理機轉多引用自熱身(warm-up)活動,可能透過維持身體溫度、加速運動初期攝氧動力學、增加肌肉內氧氣可利用率及使用率,與誘發活化後增能現象(post-activation potentiation),以改善後續運動表現。再熱身活動的策略包括連續性、間歇性運動,及肌力與爆發力型運動。建議運動員於下半場開賽前依疲勞程度、器材與規則等限制,實施合適的再熱身策略。儘管如此,目前的研究仍有限,仍須進一步探討較佳的再熱身策略及確切生理機轉。
英文摘要 In team sports, the sport-specific skills involve many types of explosive and agility movements. Previous studies have reported that re-warm-up activities may attenuate the reduction in performance which induced by passive rest during half-time. Therefore, this brief review investigates the effects of different re-warm-up strategies during half-time on exercise performance, and possible physiological mechanisms. Most of studies used the physiological mechanism of warm-up activity to explain the improvements in performance after re-warm-up activity. The re-warm-up activities might maintain body temperature, speed up oxygen uptake kinetics, increase oxygen availability in exercising muscles, and induce post-activation potentiation. The re-warm-up strategies might include continuous exercise, interval exercise, and strength or explosive exercise. It is recommended to select an appropriate re-warm-up strategy according to the fatigue level, available equipment, and rules, instead of passive rest, before the start of the second half. However, further studies are needed to clarify the optimum re-warm up strategy and exact physiological mechanism.
起訖頁 1-12
關鍵詞 事前運動衝刺跳躍間歇衝刺神經肌肉系統prior exercisesprintjumpintermittent sprintneuromuscular system
刊名 運動生理暨體能學報
出版單位 臺灣運動生理暨體能學會
期數 202106 (32期)
DOI 10.53106/1815638X2021060032001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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