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中國大陸破產中止制度的修法檢視──基於美國City of Chicago v. Fulton案之展開
Study on Bankruptcy Stay in the Context of Amendments of Law: Based on Case Analysis of City of Chicago v. Fulton
作者 劉思萱
中文摘要 美國City of Chicago V. Fulton案體現學術和理論界對於破產中止制度中「自動」、「凍結」所涉適用範圍和效力的爭議,也凸顯自動凍結體現的集體清償、平等清償原則與擔保權保障的個別債權優先受償在破產程序中的衝突。從立法目的論上而言,自動凍結適用於破產程序中所有主體、行為與環節,「凍結」體現實現集體清償的前提性要求,「自動」體現實現破產程序效益最大化過程中的成本分攤與政策考量。但即便如此,該制度仍需在破產法框架下對於擔保權的行權完成博弈。中國大陸對於無擔保債權的自動中止基本達成共識,對於擔保權受破產中止制度影響下的暫停行使,應區分重整與清算程序、區分擔保物是否轉移等要素進行多維度考量,最終在《企業破產法》修法中形成體系化的自洽規定。
英文摘要 City of Chicago v. Fulton case reflects some discussions on the scope and enforcement of the “Automatic Stay” of bankruptcy law among scholars, trustees and judges. It also shows the equal proportionate distributions of the estate always conflicts with the priorities of claims in the bankruptcy procedure. Automatic Stay should regulate all subjects, actions and processes during the bankruptcy procedure. “Automatic” means the policy analysis of the cost distribution between the creditors and debtors, and “Stay” is the key point to realize the protection of the estate to distribute. Chinese mainland scholars have reached a consensus on the automatic stay of unsecured claims, and suggest take two factors in account to revise some articles of bankruptcy law :the difference of reorganization and liquidation process, and the property in trustees’ control or not.
起訖頁 48-77
關鍵詞 自動凍結集體清償債權平等優先受償擔保權暫停行使Automatic StayThe Protection of the Estate to DistributeEqual Proportionate Distribution of the EstatePriorities of ClaimsThe Stay of Secured Claims
刊名 月旦財經法雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202205 (47期)
DOI 10.53106/1815008X472  複製DOI  DOI申請

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