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China Mainland Bankruptcy Law Annual Report (2021)
作者 徐陽光
中文摘要 中國大陸地區破產法在2021年取得了飛速發展。在立法層面,全國人大常委會組織開展了《企業破產法》實施情況執法檢查,並建立了《企業破產法》修改起草工作組有序推進立法修改工作;《深圳經濟特區個人破產條例》開始實施,江浙地區個人債務集中清理司法實踐穩定推進,個人破產試點工作取得了新的進展。在司法層面,最高人民法院建立內地與香港特別行政區相互認可和協助破產程序的機制;推動組建大陸地區破產法庭,發佈破產司法政策檔和典型案例。在管理人工作層面,各地管理人協會如雨後春筍般湧現,各類行業自律管理文件推陳出新。在學術研究層面,中國破產法論壇及其專題研討會的舉辦、破產法文庫著作的出版,引領著破產法的發展,讓理論研究與實務探索在一種張力中前行,不至於讓理論偏離實際變成脫離國情的高談闊論,也不至於讓實務探索誤入歧途甚至漸行漸遠。
英文摘要 Bankruptcy law in China Mainland has achieved great advancement in 2021. In terms of legislation, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress organized and carried out inspections of the implementation of the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law, and established a working group responsible for the drafting and revision of the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law in an orderly and progressive manner; Regulation of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on Personal Bankruptcy has been implemented, steady progress has been made in the judicial practice of centralized liquidation of personal debts in Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions and new development was accomplished for the pilot work of personal bankruptcy. At the judicial level, the Supreme People’s Court has inaugurated a cooperation mechanism for mutual recognition and assistance to bankruptcy proceedings between the Mainland and Hong Kong Special Administration Region; the Supreme People’s Court has promoted the establishment of bankruptcy courts in Mainland and issued bankruptcy judicial polices and typical cases. Regarding the improvement of the Bankruptcy Administration Industry, associations of bankruptcy administration have sprung up in many places, and various self-regulatory documents have been updated. As for academic research, the holding of the China Bankruptcy Forum and its symposium and the publication of the Bankruptcy Law Library Works have led the evolvement of bankruptcy law and boosted the further growth of theoretical research and practical exploration under a tension force. In this way, the theory will not be divorced from practice and reality of state into empty talk, and the practical exploration will not go astray or even drift away.
起訖頁 333-364
關鍵詞 企業破產個人破產跨境破產管理人協會破產法論壇Enterprise BankruptcyPersonal BankruptcyCross-border BankruptcyAssociation of AdministratorsBankruptcy Law Forum
刊名 月旦財經法雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202205 (47期)
DOI 10.53106/1815008X4710  複製DOI  DOI申請

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