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One Size Fits All? Improving Access to Justice for Small Claims: An Empirical Study of Taiwan
作者 邵靖惠
中文摘要 本研究係探究臺灣民眾顯少提出小額紛爭請求的原因,以及可能改變其態度的方法。透過2019年的臺灣法文化與社會變遷第五期之調查(以下簡稱2019調查),本研究分析民眾尋求小型糾紛解決的態度和障礙,以及上開態度是否在特定條件下能夠有所轉變。研究結果指出,社經弱勢者較容易受到心理壓力和知識不足的問題所影響,而對於主張權利較為消極;惟若有集體紛爭解決途徑之可能,則有機會轉變其態度而參與紛爭解決。至於具體作法,其中心理層面較脆弱的族群,需要提供減輕其心理壓力之協助,並且確保其個人利益;而對於因知識不足困擾之群體,則可因為紛爭解決能懲罰不法者而使其轉變態度等。總體而言,本研究結果顯示出處理小額紛爭有其特色,不適合以一概全沿用通常民事紛爭解決的思維;但若多樣化考量或協助恐不切實際,則將所有權利人以預設方式加入集體訴訟或紛爭解決途徑(除聲明退出者外),亦不失為可行之方案。
英文摘要 By means of the 2019 Taiwan Legal Culture and Social Change Survey (“the 2019 survey”), this research examined the reasons that discourage Taiwanese citizens from making small claims in general, and what might motivate them to change their minds and to pursue justice. The study identified the obstacles to seeking small dispute resolution, whether people’s attitudes can be changed, and if so, under what conditions. The results show that socioeconomically disadvantaged people are more vulnerable to stress and lack of knowledge issues. Also, an aggregation possibility to claim together does effectively change their attitudes from not making any claims to joining group claims. However, people who are weaker psychologically may need more assistance in solving their doubts and ensuring their personal interests. On the other hand, those who lack knowledge are willing to make claims not only for their own benefit but also to seek retribution against the wrongdoer. This study demonstrates that overall, dealing with small claims requires another way of thinking. If addressing concerns diversely is not practical, nudging all the claimants to join group claims as a default rule unless they opt out is an alternative solution.
起訖頁 1-39
關鍵詞 法律實證法與社會變遷民事紛爭解決集體訴訟預設加入制Empirical Legal StudiesLaw and SocietyCivil Dispute ResolutionClass ActionsOpt-out Mechanism
刊名 National Taiwan University Law Review
出版單位 國立臺灣大學法律學系
期數 202306 (18期)
DOI 10.53106/181263242023061801001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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