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Disaster Politic, Law and Insurance in Climate Change Era: The Case of Taiwan
作者 林春元
中文摘要 氣候變遷引起的災害越來越頻仍且嚴重,挑戰各國災害防救體系的能量。法律學者雖然投入探討災害相關法律的改革,卻因為未能充分注意到氣候災害的政治脈絡,以致無法有效回應挑戰。本文以台灣為例,分析災害防救體系如何在災害、政治及法律的複雜互動中演進。本文主張,過去台灣在儒家文化影響下,發展出家父長色彩的災害防救制度,持續影響台灣目前災害防救體制的運作。國家被視為承擔災害防救的主要角色,而忽略市民個人責任及市場機制的潛在功能。本文主張,災害防救系統應該隨氣候變遷而調適,建議強化氣候保險的建置以建立台灣因應氣候變遷更強的韌性。
英文摘要 As climate-related disasters become more frequent and catastrophic, thecapacity of disaster management system is under challenges. Scholars have putefforts on reforming disaster law, yet the impact of politics on disaster managementis understated. This article takes Taiwan as a case to study how the disastermanagement system evolves with the interrelationships between disasters, politics,and law. This article suggests that Confucianism in the past authoritarian times haddeveloped a paternalist disaster politics, which continuingly affects currentoperation of the disaster management system. Under the influence of paternalistpolitics, the state takes a primary role in disaster management without a sustainablefinancial mechanism, which renders citizens passive and indifferent. To betterrespond to climate change, this article integrates climate change adaptation todisaster management and proposes climate insurance to better distribute disasterrisk and enhance the resilience of Taiwan amid a changing climate.
起訖頁 1-39
關鍵詞 災害政治學氣候變遷氣候保險災害防救法調適Disaster PoliticsClimate ChangeClimate InsuranceDisaster LawAdaptation
刊名 National Taiwan University Law Review
出版單位 國立臺灣大學法律學系
期數 202206 (17:1期)
DOI 10.53106/181263242022061701001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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