篇名 | 論違憲審查與立法政策形成自由——從司法院釋字第七九一號解釋宣告通姦罪違憲立即失效談起 |
並列篇名 | The Constitutional Review and the Legislative Discretion: A Study on the Decriminalization of Adultery in Taiwan |
作者 | 陳陽升 |
中文摘要 | 自司法院釋字第七九一號解釋作成以降,司法實務原就侵擾因配偶關係所生身分法益之制約已形成的穩定見解,因受上揭解釋法律論證之影響而開始有所動搖,先後出現「打折」及否認「配偶權」之判決。然此等情形是否已為憲法法庭所預見,而為其本意,殊值懷疑。應否以刑法規範制約通姦行為,固有隨社會變遷而重新檢討之必要,惟立法者對此亦享有一定之政策形成空間。在此前提下,本文嘗試將立法政策形成空間予以具體化,並認為違憲審查機關於作成憲法裁判時,除應考慮相衝突之實質原則外,亦應將作為形式原則的民主原則納入考量,以辨認立法者就個案之決定有否認識餘地,並將其對立法政策形成空間之尊重反映在審查密度與宣告方式的選擇上。在此基礎上,本文乃進一步反思憲法法庭除在宣告通姦罪違憲並立即失效外,是否尚有其他可能更能兼顧立法政策形成空間之宣告方式。 |
英文摘要 | Since the proclamation of the Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 791, the established judicial practices regarding the infringement of the legal interest in relation to spousal relationship have been undermined. The argument presented in the above-mentioned Judicial Yuan Interpretation resonated with some judges, who then started to cast doubt on, or even deny, the“spousal rights”in their legal decisions. However, it is disputable whether such judgments made by the district courts represent the point and purpose of Interpretation No. 791. Arguably, decriminalizing adultery does not imply an utter disregard of the legislative discretion over the formation and protection of the spousal rights. This paper attempts to strengthen the realm and boundaries of legislative discretion. In constitutional review, it is proposed that the constitutional court not only is required to balance the conflicting substantive principles, but also is obligated to consider the democratic principles to determine whether the cases are within the discretion of the legislature. Furthermore, the constitutional court should manifest its respect for legislative discretion by virtue of the selection of control density and the type of decision. Along this line of thought, this paper suggests an admonitory decision to declare the unconstitutionality of criminalizing adultery, which to a greater extent shows the constitutional court’s respect for legislative discretion. |
起訖頁 | 59-122 |
關鍵詞 | 立法政策形成空間、審查密度、認識餘地、比例原則、警告性裁判、Legislative Discretion、Control Density、Epistemic Discretion、Principle of Proportionality、Admonitory Decision |
刊名 | 國立中正大學法學集刊 |
出版單位 | 國立中正大學法律學系 |
期數 | 202407 (84期) |
DOI | 10.53106/172876182024070084002 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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