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Commentary on the 2022 Draft Amendments to the Constitutional Court Procedure Act
作者 吳信華
中文摘要 憲法訴訟法於2018年12月18日立法通過、2022年1月4日生效施行。而距此日期未及一年,司法院於2022年8月11日即提出本法部分條文的修正草案,共計修正十五個條文、並增訂一條,而於2023年5月26日立法通過其中六個條文、且於同年7月7日生效施行。此次草案的修法內容主要所涉及者固多為總則性之規定,諸如本法之適用情狀、審查庭的權限擴增、釋憲程序參與者之界定,以及相關細部程序審理與運作事項的調整,而另及於各論性的重點,尤其影響重大者厥為法規範裁判相關宣告模式效力之更動,以及對「人民聲請釋憲」訴訟類型之要件亦有修改。本文即就此一修正草案中的各修改條文,以憲法訴訟的學理為相關論述與評析,並具體提出建議,乃至對有立法通過條文之未來實務運作的可能情狀,亦予以討論說明。
英文摘要 The Constitutional Court Procedure Act (hereinafter the“Act”) was passed on December 18, 2018 and came into effect on January 04, 2022. However, in less than one year, the Judicial Yuan submitted its draft amendments to several articles of the Act, which comprised of 15 amended articles and one additional new article on August 11, 2022. Among them, six articles were passed by the Legislative Yuan on May 26, 2023 and came into effect on July 07, 2023. The draft amendments involve certain general issues, such as the applicable situations of the Act, the expansion of the Chambers’competence, the scope of participants in the procedure, and the relevant adjustment on the procedural review and operational issues. In addition, the draft amendments address other more specific issues, such as the changes on the effect of decisions on the constitutionality of laws and the requirement for the petition to initiate the procedure for the review of constitutionality of decisions or laws from the public. This article discusses and comments on the draft amendments to the Act on the basis of constitutional litigation theories and further provides recommendations. Finally, considerations on several possible developments and future practical implementation of legislation after the enactment of the adopted articles of the Act are presented.
起訖頁 195-248
關鍵詞 憲法訴訟法憲法訴訟法修正草案訴訟類型關係人溯及失效Constitutional Court Procedure ActDraft Amendment to the Constitutional Court Procedure ActTypes of LitigationStakeholdersRetrospective Invalidity
刊名 國立中正大學法學集刊
出版單位 國立中正大學法律學系
期數 202401 (82期)
DOI 10.53106/172876182024010082004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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