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An Analysis of the Regulatory Approach of Electronic Payment Institutions:Focusing on the Proportionality Supervision Theory of Simple Financial Institutions
作者 朱瑞翔
中文摘要 網路的普及與使用者習慣的改變加速實現非現金支付社會的進程,我國政府同樣希望進一步發展資金移轉業務。然而,我國雖於2015年開放電子支付機構的牌照,卻未見業者踴躍申請電子支付機構牌照,且取得牌照者之營業表現亦不佳。有鑑於法律規範係建構商業環境的要角,此些經營面向的困境,應部分與電子支付機構管理條例的立法設計有所關聯。而在規範中最直接對於業者造成影響者,即為管制手段的嚴密程度。基於此,本文將基於簡易金融機構所應適用的差異化監理概念,並參酌美國法與歐盟法的設計,以適切監理風險為目標,檢討電子支付機構管理條例現行之管制手段設計。期望探尋對於電子支付機構較合適的管制手段,進而提出我國法的修正建議方向。
英文摘要 In recent years, the popularity of the Internet and changes in users’ habits have accelerated the progress of the non-cash payment society. The government in Taiwan likewise hopes to develop the money transmission business further. However, while the E-payment licenses were open for application in 2015, the enterprises were not much interested in applying for such licenses. For those who have obtained licenses, their business performances were also poor. Given that regulation is the key to building any business’s environment, the failures mentioned above should be partly related to the legislative design of the E-payment Act. Moreover, since the regulatory approach would have the most direct impact on the industry, this article will review the current regulatory approach of the E-payment Act based on the concept of the proportionality supervision theory of simple financial institutions. In addition, this article will also conduct a comparative legal analysis by referring to the regulatory design of the U.S. and EU laws. Finally, with the objective of achieving proper risk management, this article will attempt to find an optimal regulatory approach for E-payment institutions and propose amendments to the current E-payment Act.
起訖頁 183-257
關鍵詞 電子支付資金移轉匯兌管制手段系統性風險差異化監理資金傳遞者支付指令電子錢指令審慎監理E-paymentMoney TransmissionExchangeRegulatory ApproachSystemic RiskProportionality Supervision TheoryMoney TransmitterPayment Services DirectiveE-money DirectivePrudential Regulation
刊名 國立中正大學法學集刊
出版單位 國立中正大學法律學系
期數 202304 (79期)
DOI 10.53106/172876182023040079004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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