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Re-discussing the Legal Issues of Textbook Examination System from the Viewpoint of Educational Law: Considerations Based on the Litigations of Japanese Textbook Review System
作者 宋峻杰
中文摘要 由於教科書對於甫進入國民基本教育階段的兒少而言,乃是一套傳授生活智識、技能與社交技巧的解鎖金鑰,因此在我國憲政原理下檢視教科書制度的運作是否確能有效達成憲法暨教育基本法制所揭示之教育目的實有其必要。故本文先行聚焦於該制度的審定行政環節,透過「臺日教科書審定(檢定)制度發展概觀」、「落實兒少學習權暨受教育權權益保障之教科書審定制度的建構思考」、「反芻日本教科書檢定制度訴訟揭示之制度合憲性見解」與「臺日教科書審定(檢定)行政法理探究」等命題,運用文件分析及比較制度等研究方法,自教育法學觀點再作探究,並期能藉由日本司法及行政機關的實務經驗,省思我國國民中小學教科書審定制度未來之可能改革方向。
英文摘要 Since elementary and middle school textbooks are a set of pivotal keys to teach life knowledge and social skills for children, it is necessary to examine whether the operation of the textbook system is really effective under the principles of the Constitution and the Educational Fundamental Act. Therefore, this article focuses on the examination and approval of the textbook review system. Also, based on the experiences of Japan’s judicial and administrative agencies, this article attempts to re-think the future development of the textbook review system in Taiwan.
起訖頁 105-148
關鍵詞 學習權受教育權教育法學教科書審定課程綱要教育內部事項日本教科書檢定制度訴訟許可行為說專利行為說行政指導說the Right to Learn of Childrenthe Right to Receive EducationEducational Lawthe Review System of Primary and Secondary School TextbooksCurriculum GuidelinesInternal Affairs of EducationJapanese Textbook Certification System LawsuitTheory of PermissionTheory of PatentsTheory of Administrative Guidance
刊名 國立中正大學法學集刊
出版單位 國立中正大學法律學系
期數 202301 (78期)
DOI 10.53106/172876182023010078003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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