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Protection of Human Rights for Aliens Asylum and Expulsion: Comparison Between the Legal Systems of My Country and the United States
作者 蕭明欽
中文摘要 外國人收容制度,係以強制性之公權力將受驅逐出國處分之當事人暫時拘束於特定場所,此種暫時性收容處分,亦屬於限制人身自由之一種態樣,依照我國憲法之規範,理應受法院審查。但是過去國內外國人人權之保障,並未受到重視,因此,外國人之收容及遣返雖然係屬人身自由之侵害,但是實務上對其人權保障之程度並未與國人相同,因此,收容與遣返全權由行政機關自行決定,無須法官保留亦無即時司法救濟途徑。然而,入出境事務屬於國家主權之行使範圍,但國際公約有明確之規範,因此,各國發動收容處分必需恪遵相關正當法律程序,否則即有侵害人權之虞,亦有可能遭受國際上之制裁。本文從外國立法例之收容遣返制度分析研究其對於外國人基本權之保護模式,並以美國聯邦法院實務判決之核心價值,導論出先進移民國家對於移民多元文化接納之程度相當寬容,特別是人性尊嚴、正當法律程序與家庭權之重視均值得吾人參考。
英文摘要 The alien detention system is a system of exercising the compulsory public power to temporarily detain parties subject to deportation to specific places. Such temporary detention is also a form of restriction on personal freedom. According to the norms of the Constitution, it shall be subject to foreigners in Republic of China has not received sufficient attention. Moreover, although the detention and repatriation of foreigners is a violation of personal freedom, the degree of protection of their human rights in practice is not the same as that of the nationals. Therefore, this article argues that the full power of admitting and repatriating foreigners is determined by the administrative agency itself, and there is no need for the judge’s reservation or immediate judicial remedy.
起訖頁 207-295
關鍵詞 人身自由正當法律程序法官保留驅逐出國不遣返原則暫予收容續予收容延長收容替代收容處分收容異議Personal FreedomDue Process of LawAccess to the CourtExpulsion from the CountryPrinciple of Non-RefoulementTemporary DetentionContinued DetentionExtended DetentionAlternative Detention PenaltyDetention Objections
刊名 國立中正大學法學集刊
出版單位 國立中正大學法律學系
期數 202210 (77期)
DOI 10.53106/172876182022100077004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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