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Victim Participation in Juvenile Justice
作者 黃鼎軒
中文摘要 司法院大法官於2021年7月16日作成釋字第八○五號解釋,首度肯認在少年保護事件程序中,應賦予被害人及其法定代理人,得到庭陳述意見之機會。基此,本文透過介紹日本少年法制中,關於被害人參與少年審判的制度,除得以瞭解日本法的運作模式外,更爬梳其運作制度下所遭遇之困境及學者之批評,以之作為我國少年法修正借鏡。本文認為,由於少年事件處理法採取保護優先主義,由此角度出發,探討被害人參與少年審判時,必須以少年健全自我成長及少年意見表明權的保障為優先,任何對其有侵害之虞的被害人參與少年審判制度,都不應該貿然引進。基此觀點進一步討論、分析被害人參與少年審判之可能,並提出修法建議作為結論。
英文摘要 On July 16, 2021, the Grand Justices of Constitutional Court, Judicial Yuan issued J.Y. Interpretation No. 805, recognizing for the first time that victims of crime and their legal representatives should be given the opportunity to be heard in court during juvenile protection proceedings, which reaffirms“the right to participate in the proceedings”.
This article firstly introduces Japanese juvenile law and the victim’s participation in the juvenile trial. Secondly, this article analyzes the difficulties encountered by the Japanese legal system in practice as well as summarizes Japan’s experience as a reference for Taiwan’s future legislation. Finally, this article redefines the participation of victims in juvenile trials and argues that protecting the juveniles’healthy self-growth and their right to express their opinions should be given priority. Based on this viewpoint, this article in conclusion will discuss and analyze the current issues of the victim’s participation in the juvenile trial, and propose amendments to the law.
起訖頁 201-260
關鍵詞 非行少年被害人程序參與權少年健全自我成長意見表明權保護優先主義Young OffenderVictim ParticipationHealthy Development of JuvenilesRight to Express Those Views FreelyThe Principle of the Priority of Protection
刊名 國立中正大學法學集刊
出版單位 國立中正大學法律學系
期數 202207 (76期)
DOI 10.53106/172876182022070076004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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