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On the Legal Status and the Protection of Labour Rights of Service Providers: Focusing on the Diversified Service Provision Model of the Platform Economy
作者 洪瑩容
中文摘要 近年來數位「平台經濟」之模式相當盛行,使用者透過網路平台可快速地獲得各項服務,而勞務提供者亦可透過平台獲取更多之工作機會。在標榜勞務提供彈性多元之同時,在勞動法的領域中,即面臨到如何評價此類非典型勞務提供者及其勞動權益保障之問題。為此,本文擬先分析平台經濟下各種新型態勞務提供模式,釐清「按需經濟」與「群眾外包」所涉及之多人法律關係,在此基礎上,進一步探究各型態勞務提供者之法律地位,並依據平台經濟下勞務提供之特性,在解釋論上整理出其具有「從屬性」意義之特徵。針對無法被歸類為勞工之勞務提供者,在現行法制未能回應其保護需求之情況下,本文參考德國法制「類似勞工」之概念,並試圖提出立法論上之建議,期能有助於問題之解決。
英文摘要 In recent years, the model of the platform economy has become fairly popular. Users can quickly obtain various services through the network platform and service providers can also obtain more job opportunities through the platform. While flaunting the flexibility and diversification of labor services, in the field of labor law, a problem has arisen as how to evaluate such atypical service providers and their labour rights protection. To this end, this article aims to analyze various new types of service delivery models under the platform economy and clarify the legal relationship involved in the economy between “on demand” and “crowdsourcing”. Accordingly, this article further explores the legal status of various types of service providers, and based on the characteristics of service provision under the platform economy, interpretively classifies the characteristics of subordination significance. As the current legal system of Taiwan fails to respond to service providers’ need because they cannot be classified as laborers. This article hopes to help solve the problem and therefore refers to the concept of similar workers in the German legal system, and put forth legislative suggestions.
起訖頁 1-68
關鍵詞 平台經濟按需經濟群眾外包眾包工作者微型任務從屬性勞工自營作業者類似勞工德國家內勞動法
刊名 國立中正大學法學集刊
出版單位 國立中正大學法律學系
期數 202107 (72期)
DOI 10.53106/172876182021070072001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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