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Academic Ethics as the Internal/External Limits of Academic Freedom: The Examination of Principle of Academic Ethics Review in College
作者 許育典林修睿
中文摘要 近年來臺灣先後出現多次國際知名的學術倫理事件,其中臺大論文造假案,事涉我國學術聲望最高的大學以及其校長和多位知名學者,對臺灣學術形象影響甚鉅。教育部除組成調查小組外,並為避免再度發生類似事件,旋即公布了「專科以上學校學術倫理案件處理原則」規範各學校。然而,學術倫理雖然已成為各界認真討論的議題,但其性質究竟為何?為什麼可以拘束各研究者和學術機構的研究行為?再者,教育部公布的此一原則,對於大學的人事自治和規章自治多有影響,此一原則在法律上如何定性?國家在何時能介入學術倫理的審查?有沒有憲法正當性基礎?以上都是必須要釐清的問題。本文首先由憲法釋義學和倫理學出發,探討學術自由的內涵,並以此確認學術倫理在憲法中的定位。進一步檢討「專科以上學校學術倫理案件處理原則」,確認其法律性質以及憲法正當性,並對其提出修改建議,以期讓臺灣的學術倫理規範更加完善。
英文摘要 In recent years, there have been many internationally renowned academic misconduct incidents in Taiwan. Among them, the case of paper falsification concerning the National Taiwan University involves the country’s highest ranking academic institution and its president and many well-known scholars that has in turn affected Taiwan’s academic image enormously and stirred many debates. The Minister of Educations has thus taken steps to not only investigated individuals involved but also promulgated“the Principle of Academic Ethics Review in College”to regulate academic misconduct in universities in Taiwan. As“academic ethics”has become one of the most important issues recently, it is important to address its definition and characteristics as to why it can rules research activities. In addition,“the Principle of Academic Ethics Review in College”has much impact on the autonomy of personnel and regulations of universities when academic misconduct occurs, however its principle of legitimacy still needs to be defined constitutionally. This article begins with doctrinal analysis of constitution and clarifies the range of academic freedom. It further examines the legitimacy of“Principle of Academic Ethics Review in College”to identify its position in law and provides helpful suggestions with a view to bettering the regulations in academic ethics in Taiwan.
起訖頁 193-231
關鍵詞 學術自由學術倫理學術不正當行為專科以上學校學術倫理案件處理原則Academic FreedomAcademic EthicsAcademic MisconductPrinciple of Academic Ethics Review in College
刊名 國立中正大學法學集刊
出版單位 國立中正大學法律學系
期數 202104 (71期)
DOI 10.53106/172876182021040071004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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