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A Study on the Application of Restorative Justice in Juvenile Delinquency in Taiwan
作者 李瑞典陳祥美
中文摘要 修復式正義(Restorative Justice, RJ)是目前國際公認一種替代性的刑事司法方案,有助於應對刑事司法的不足及挑戰,我國雖已陸續於少年事件處理法、刑事訴訟法及監獄行刑法將「修復」入法,然修復式正義運用於國內少年事件並無相關實證研究報告。為瞭解少年表意權、少年最佳利益、當事人行為認知及療癒傷害與修復式正義實踐上之關係,本文將介紹少年事件運用修復式正義在國際間發展情形,同時以2018年5月至2020年1月期間,中華修復促進協會在臺北地方法院少年法庭進行修復式對話之個案為樣本,進行問卷及訪談資料分析,提出研究發現與反省,並芻議本土少年事件修復式對話注意事項,希冀對未來建構本土化少年修復式正義能起拋磚引玉之效。
英文摘要 Restorative Justice (RJ) is currently an internationally recognized alternative criminal justice program that helps address the shortcomings and challenges of criminal justice. Although Taiwan has successively adopted amendments to incorporate the restorative justice into the Juvenile Justice Act, the Code of Criminal Procedure, and the Prison Act, there is no relevant empirical research on the application of RJ to domestic juvenile incidents. This article will introduce the international development of juvenile RJ in order to understand the relationships between the practice of RJ and juvenile’s rights to be heard, juvenile’s best interest, behavioral cognition of the party concerned, and healing from damage. Meanwhile, this article will refer to the cases of the restorative dialogue in the Juvenile Court of Taipei District Courthouse from May 2018 to January 2020 carried out by the Chinese Association for Restorative Justice. Data analysis was performed based on the survey and interviews conducted with the hope of providing reflections and research findings as well as further suggestions to contribute to the construction of localized juvenile restoration justice in the future.
起訖頁 53-119
關鍵詞 修復式正義少年事件處理法少年表意權少年最佳利益中華修復促進協會衝突調解模式被害人與加害人調解家庭團體會議Restorative JusticeJuvenile Delinquency ActJuvenile’s Right to be HeardJuvenile’s Best InterestChinese Association for Restorative JusticeConflict MediationVictim-Offender MediationFamily Group Meeting
刊名 國立中正大學法學集刊
出版單位 國立中正大學法律學系
期數 202104 (71期)
DOI 10.53106/172876182021040071002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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