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A Study on Applications of Article 3 and Article 166 of the Civil Law under the Digital Environment
作者 郭戎晉
中文摘要 為確保法定要式行為中意思表示的歸屬,民法第3條規定凡有使用「文字」之必要時,應由當事人親自簽名,司法實務及民法學者共通認為使用文字,即是指「書面」,故遇有「法定書面要式」情形時,當事人即應親自簽名。此外,考量「約定書面要式」事實上也存在意思表示歸屬的認定問題,故國內學界亦無例外地認為民法第3條規定,應類推適用於約定要式行為。惟資訊科技的普及運用,使得透過網路及電子通訊工具所進行的表意方式,已不以「使用文字」為限,在跨入數位時代後,法定書面要式甚或約定書面要式,是否仍必然綁定文字,已漸顯爭議。隨著數位交易的興起及各類數位化應用日益普及,民法第3條及第166條規定是否合於數位環境的操作,無疑是當前必須正視的重要問題。
英文摘要 To ensure the expression of intent of a person in ’’the document as required by law’’, Article 3 of Civil Law regulates that when the using of characters is required by the Act, it must be signed by the individual. Therefore, it is widely understood that a signature of an individual is the necessary requirement for a written document. Further, given that in ’’the written documents are deemed as an agreement between the parties’’, legal scholars unanimously argue that Article 3 can be applied by an analogy to the document as agreed between the parties as well. However, owing to the popularization of technology in every aspect, expression of intent by means of internet and electronic communication tools goes beyond the definition of ’’the written document.’’ In the digital age, whether or not documents are either required by law that should be signed and written or as agreed between parties merit further careful discussions. The application of Article 3 and Article 166 of Taiwan Civil Law in the digital world is now a critical issue that needs to be further examined.
起訖頁 135-188
關鍵詞 民法使用文字簽名書面要式數位環境電子文件電子簽章法電子簽章Civil LawCharacterSignatureWritten DocumentDigital EnvironmentElectronic DocumentElectronic Signature ActElectronic Signature
刊名 國立中正大學法學集刊
出版單位 國立中正大學法律學系
期數 202101 (70期)
DOI 10.53106/172876182021010070003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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