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A Case Study on the Revocation of Yu Yanru's Doctoral Degree by Peking University in China
作者 陳銘聰
中文摘要 長期以來,中國大陸學位撤銷制度的相關法律及制度亟需健全,因為缺乏明確的標準,缺乏嚴格的程序性規定和相應的司法救濟,導致學位撤銷的爭議層出不窮。學位撤銷制度是教育法律問題的重要領域,不僅關涉學位授予相關各方利益,而且牽扯教育與學術關係等重要問題,深刻影響人才培養環境的孕育,良好學術風氣的形成,以及國家創新能力的提升。對於學位被撤銷者而言,所帶來的負面影響是極其重大的,直接影響到當事人名譽權、隱私權、工作權以及人格尊嚴。這種會造成當事人嚴重後果的行為,程序必須正當,救濟途徑必須完善。學位撤銷事件相比於其他糾紛事件,近年來日益增多,學位撤銷範圍也不斷擴大,對獲得學位者的權益影響重大。當前關於學位撤銷的標準、程序、救濟機制等卻沒有詳細的規定,這也是學位撤銷糾紛頻發的重要原因。在當今社會環境中,學位不僅是學位獲得者學術水準的象徵,也是獲得相應的經濟地位和社會地位的前提條件。因此,學位撤銷的範圍、學位如何撤銷、學位撤銷後的救濟等一系列學位撤銷制度問題還需要進行深入系統的研究。
英文摘要 For a long time, the relevant laws and systems of the degree revocation system need to be improved. Because of the lack of clear standards, strict procedural provisions and corresponding judicial relief, disputes about the degree revocation emerge in endlessly. Degree revocation system is an important field of educational legal issues, which not only involves the interests of all parties concerned in degree granting, but also involves the relationship between education and academy, which has a profound impact on the breeding of talent training environment, the formation of good academic atmosphere, and the improvement of national innovation ability. For those whose degrees are revoked, the negative impact is extremely significant, which directly affects the party’s right to reputation, privacy, work and personal dignity. This kind of behavior will cause serious consequences to the parties, the procedure must be proper, and the relief way must be perfect. Compared with other forms of disputes, degree revocation events are increasing in recent years, and the scope of degree revocation is also expanding, which has a significant impact on the rights and interests of degree recipients. At present, there are no detailed provisions on the standard, procedure and relief mechanism of degree revocation, which is also an important reason for the frequent disputes of degree revocation. In today’s social environment, a degree is not only a symbol of academic level, but also a prerequisite for obtaining corresponding economic and social status. Therefore, a series of problems such as the scope of degree revocation, how to revoke degree and relief after degree revocation need to be studied deeply and systematically.
起訖頁 181-239
關鍵詞 學位撤銷權益救濟正當程序程序正義于艷茹degree revocationrights and interests reliefdue processprocedural justiceYu Yanru
刊名 成大法學
出版單位 國立成功大學法律學研究所;成大法學編輯委員會
期數 202106 (41期)
DOI 10.53106/168067192021060041004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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